Wednesday 4 February 2015

Post 2 Regarding Part 1 of HTML

Now I will let you put something before your opening <html> tag. Didn't take me long did it? I also won't tell you to put anything else here at all!
To tell your browser, the browsers of people reading your page and W3C that your page will have standards, we need to add a special line in:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
All you need to know for now is that there are varying levels of "standards" from quite lenient to very strict. We will be going "Middle-ground" for now and using the "Transitional" standards.
The other thing to explain is that HTML itself is updated and changed over time so the "4.01" is the standards we are using. If it is deemed necessary, as the standards and capabilities of HTML change, these tutorials will also be updated.

So place that line above your <html> tag. Always have this line when you start any new HTML page.

<script language="JavaScript">
function bgChange(bg)
{; }
<body><b>Mouse over these table cells, and the background color will change</b>
<table width="300" height="100">
  <td onmouseover="bgChange('red')"
    onmouseout="bgChange('transparent')" bgcolor="red">
  <td onmouseover="bgChange('blue')"
    onmouseout="bgChange('transparent')" bgcolor="blue">
  <td onmouseover="bgChange('green')"
    onmouseout="bgChange('transparent')" bgcolor=green>
With Java Script

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
  <title>My first HTML page</title>
  <h1>Hello World!</h1>
   Welcome to my first web page!
   I will add more stuff when I know how - thanks for stopping by!

Introduction to HTML Tutorial Part-1

Welcome to these beginner HTML Tutorials! These lessons build on each other, be aware that the tutorials assume you have learned everything from the previous lessons.  

Basic Question What does HTML mean?

HTML stands for Hyper-text Mark-up Language:
  • Hyper-text: text fit for the Internet
  • Mark-up: it is not programming - it simply marks up (or labels) various parts of the document in different ways depending on how you want it to appear or behave.
  • Language: although it is not programming, it has its own way of 'speaking' so that it can be understood world-wide.
Basic HTML underpins how all web pages appear. There may be fancy programming, databases, forums and pictures, but those are made to appear by generating HTML. 

Tools Required 

  • Text Editor
  • Browser: 1. Mozilla Firefox 2. Safari  3. Internet Explorer

 HTML Works through <tags>

Web pages are coded using text-only format documents. This means all you need a simple text editor (such as Notepad in Windows or TextEdit in MacOS X) 
The web page itself and the elements inside that document are marked-up using tags. These are words and terms inside greater-than and less-than signs, like the code below.

The first tag is an 'opening tag' and the second is a 'closing tag', which is marked by the forward slash. In this example, it means that everything between the tags is marked as HTML
W3C is the "World Wide Web Consortium" and they set coding standards for websites. If you want to learn more about them visit their website.
Coding Standards are important. This is because people who use the Internet are from most countries of the world, using different computers and different software to view websites. Having standards gives a certain level of consistency in how pages are viewed regardless of browser or computer.

Aim- Your First Page HTML Tutorial 2
 To understand how your computer (and the Web) knows your file is a web page
 To show the basic structure of a web page.
 The special lines that show compliance with W3C standards.
 To create your first page and show it displaying text in a web browser.

 <this> is an opening tag of a pair.

</this> is a closing tag of a pair.
Got it? Then look below and see the basic layout of a web page.






What does that mean?

  • HTML Tag: the HTML tags go at the start and at the end of your document. This tells your browser that what falls between them should be defined as HTML. So, unless I say otherwise, don't put anything before <html or after </html>. 
  • HEAD Tag: What comes between these tags is not intended to be displayed as part of your page. Between these tags we can tell the browser things about the page or do stuff in the background. It is a useful place for many things, and I will introduce one of them later on.
  • BODY Tag: Between these two tags is stuff you want to display on your page. All of it. So if you need to put more on your page, then create more space between these two tags. Simple as. You can also set a few basic settings for your page using the body tag, which we will come to later on also! One step at a time.

Group Discussion Topics for MNC

  • Internet is boon or bane?
  • Impact of western culture on Indians.
  • Will switch bharat campaign succeed?
  • Indian education and foreign education.
  • Terrorism.

Monday 2 February 2015

These below post are from my PG while i was pursuing my PG me and my friends tried to share information on Ethical Hacking. Hacking is for bad purpose or illegal things and Ethical Hacking is for good purpose.

Below is the list of 50 firefox addons that makes your firebox browser experience a better one.
Adblock Plus - It is one of the important firefox addon that blocks advertisements to appear on
any webpage.

Aging Tabs – Makes unused tabs fade with age and highlights the selected tab.

All-in-One Sidebar - Sidebar control with award-winning user experience.

Auto Copy - Copies selected text to the clipboard automatically. Like Linux or mIrc.

AutoPager - AutoPager is a firefox/mozilla extension that autoloads the next page in

Better GCal - Enhances Google Calendar with a compilation of user scripts and styles. All
scripts copyright their original authors. Click on the script homepage in the Help tab for more

Better Gmail 2 – Enhances Gmail with a compilation of useful features written by

Better YouTube – A compilation of useful Greasemonkey user scripts for YouTube. All scripts
copyright their original authors. Click on the script homepage in the Help tab for more

ColorZilla - Advanced Eyedropper, ColorPicker, Page Zoomer and other colorful goodies

Cooliris – Cooliris (formerly PicLens) transforms your browser into a full-screen 3D Wall for
searching, viewing and sharing the Web.

CustomizeGoogle - Enhance Google search results and remove ads and spam.

Delicious Bookmarks – Access your bookmarks wherever you go and keep them organized no
matter how many you have.

DownloadHelper - Download videos and images from many sites. It is the best tool to
download videos from YouTube etc .

FEBE – Backup your Firefox data - Get your daily music fix from

Firefox Universal Uploader (fireuploader) – Provides an user friendly interface to upload files
to various websites eg., Flickr, Youtube, Picasa, Facebook

FireFTP – FTP Client for Mozilla Firefox.

FlashGot – Enables single and massive (”all” and “selection”) downloads using the most
popular external download managers for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and FreeBSD.

FoxClocks – Displays local times around the world in the statusbar/toolbar. Supports virtually
all time zones.

FoxyProxy - FoxyProxy – Premier proxy management for Firefox

FoxyTunes - Control any media player from Firefox and more…

gDocsBar – Perfect companion for Google Docs.

Gmail Manager – Gmail accounts management and new mail notifications.

GmailSpace -Use your Gmail account space for file storage. Enables uploading/downloading
of folders.

GooglePreview - Inserts web site previews in Google and Yahoo search results.

IE Tab – Enables you to use the embedded IE engine within Mozilla/Firefox.

Master Password Timeout – Locks the master security device after a predefined period of

NoScript - Extra protection for your Firefox: NoScript allows javascript, Java (and other
plugins) only for trusted domains of your choice (e.g. your home-banking web site).

Password Exporter - Export and import the saved passwords.

PC Sync 2 Synchronisation Extension – Enables PC Sync 2 synchronization support.

PDF Download – Allows you to choose what to do with a PDF file: download it, view it with an
external viewer or view it as HTML.

Perspectives - A secure way to verify encrypted websites and bypass security warnings

ProfileSwitcher – Adds profile name to status bar tooltip and options to launch other profiles
Read it Later – Save pages to read later, then bookmark.

ScrapBook – Helps you to save Web pages and organize the collection.
Screen grab! – Saves a web-page as an image.

ScribeFire – A full-featured blog editor that integrates with your browser and lets you easily
post to your blog.

Twitbin – Twitbin is a tool that allows you to interact with your twitter friends and followers right
from your browser sidebar.

Yahoo! Mail Notifier – This extension notifies you when new messages arrive in your Yahoo

Flashblock - The plugin blocks flash from running. It acts on all sites by default, but lets you
set ‘whitelists’ of sites that can use flash, such as youtube. For blocked sites (those not on the
whitelise) you get a window of the right size on the screen, and a ‘play’ button you can click if
you want to load the animation. Here is an opera version.

Fasterfox - A bunch of tweaks to speed up firefox simply without manually tuning the registry
parameters. Can be set to exceed the RFC specs if you want. Also provides a page load timer
in the bottom right which is I like. See how much of a change you get after installing flashblock

Autocomplete Manager – When you type into the default firefox location bar, you get
‘autocomplete’ suggestions based on the part of the URL you typed. This plugin enhances that
so it automatically searches on bookmarks, and even web page titles from your history. If you
keep a long enough history, it could almost render your bookmarks obsolete.

Firebug – Essential for anyone who does web development. Install it, then for a page you want
to analyze click Tools/Firebug. Click ‘inspect’ and point your mouse at any part of a web page
and it’ll show a breakdown of the HTML in that section only, and let you modify the source ‘live’
to test fixes. Great for showing how web pages are composed, and it’s a much nicer alternative
to a full ‘view page source’ option. Firebug and the inspect facility can be added as icons to
your toolbar, so it doesn’t clutter up your browser out of the box. There is also a YSlow plugin
that you can add after installing firebug to perform performance analysis on web pages.

FoxEar – Essential internal tool that gives you a sidebar to interface into DogEar.
Fast Video Download – It downloads videos from YouTube. You get an icon in the bottom
right that you click when you’re on a page with embedded video, and it lets you save it.

Remove It Permanently - (RIP) RIP lets you right click on any section of a web page (Such as
a sidebar or advert) and specify that it’s removed from all futuring rendering of the page. By
using this carefully you can reclaim a lot of your browser screen area.

PDF Download – helps download the PDF documents
Down Them All! - a download manager for resume / split into parts / etc

Foxsaver – A screensaver for your Firefox.

Advanced Audio Recorder 7.1.2
You can record streaming audio, Mic input, Line-in input, Quick Time, Real Player, Flash,
games, as well as CDs and DVDs. Recorded sound can be saved in wav-file format, mp3
format, OGG format or WMA format.

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