Sunday 2 November 2014

  For generating otcl script required tools.


Where can i find node's position, energy, speed and transmission range in aodv ns2 ?

   >  In mobilenode.h ( ns-2.35/common ), you can find node's position ( X & Y ) and speed.

   >  In node.h ( ns-2.35/common ), you can find the energy of a node ( energy_model() -> energy() ).

   >  In god.h ( ns-2.35/mobile ), you can find Macro variable RANGE (Transmission Range).

Drop box installation based on Terminal

How to install dropbox from terminal in Ubuntu 12/13/14

Dropbox became one of the most important softwares, especially for researches, to save their research work. The demand was further enriched with the closure of ubuntuOne, which used to be favorite online cloud storage.

Here follows the procedure for the installation of dropbox:
Step 1: For 32 bit machines:

 cd ~ && wget -O - "" | tar xzf -

For 64 bit machines:

cd ~ && wget -O - "" | tar xzf -
Step 2: Next, run the Dropbox daemon from the newly created .dropbox-dist folder.

MannaSim installation procedure for generating Script 

Script generator framework

MannaSim framework is the Script generator used mainly for sensor network research.

Note: After installing ns2, this procedure must be undergone.

Step 1: Download Manasim.tar.gz file
Step 2: untar the file by typing
            tar zxvf manasim.tar.gz
Step 3: A new folder titles manasim with appear. copy that file and paste it in /home/usernname/ns2.35-allinone/ns.2.35/
Step 4: Open the mansim folder. Then, go to NS-modified-files folder. There you can find a few files.

Copy the files from the ns-modified-files/ to these locations
Step 5:Then, go to /home/username/ns2.35-allinone/ns2.35
Then, type each command at terminal

Step 6: Java installation procedure

            sudo apt-get install java
            sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk