Monday 23 June 2014

Basic Bash commands for Beginners

Posted: July 15, 2012 in Linux
Tags: ,
Hi :) in My Previous post i have mentioned about Bash shell. Now in this Article i will tell you SOME of the Important Bash command’s and How to use them in Debian, Ubuntu, Backtrack, Redhat, or in Fedora:) So 1st i will start in alphabetic order. :D
But Before i would like to show you something, when you execute any command in Terminal . And after that you want to check wheather it successfully run or not. JUst use
# echo $?
This is how it looks in Backtrack

This is how it looks in Fedora :)
When you get the output 0 . Then it means you programmed successfully run, otherwise not.

Bash command’s start with A. :)

1. alias Create an alias 
2. apt-get Search for and install software packages (Debian/Ubuntu/Backtrack)
3. aptitude Search for and install software packages Debian/Ubuntu/Backtrack)


This alias command allow us to create command shortcuts within your shell for example type this fllowing command.
# alias vipul='uname -a'
(uname -a will give you the details of you Kerenel)
# vipul
This is how it looks in Backtrack.
This is how it looks in ubuntu.
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This is How it looks in Fedora.
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APT is acronym for Advanced Package Tool. It supports installing packages over internet such as ftp or http. We can also upgrade all packages in single operations, which makes it more attractive.For example,
# apt-get install
# apt-get install samba
(Here Samba is software that can be run on a platform other than Microsoft Windows, for example, UNIX, Linux, IBM System, OpenVMS, and other operating systems. it allows to interact with a Microsoft Windows client or server, as if it is a Windows file and print server. I will post about samba configuration in my coming article.)
This is how it looks in Backtrack.
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This is how it looks in Ubuntu.
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Note i have use ‘sudo’. As in ubuntu i Have loged in as bipul account. And you can remove this Package by simply using this command
# apt-get remove samba
Now for Fedora no ‘apt-get’. As they belongs to Redhat family,They uses ‘Yum’ which i will show you in next, in Y segment. :)


Same for this Command in Ubuntu and Backtrack as They Belongs to Debian Family :)
# aptitude-get install samba
YOu can use MAN page i.e man aptitude and also for the Other Bash command.

Bash command’s start with B (Basics)

1. bzip2 Compress The file(s)
bzip2 will compresses you files using the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting text compression algorithm, and Huffman coding. I will explain this in details in coming article.
# bzip2 file file1 file2
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This is How it looks in Backtrack whear i have 1st creacted Directory name hacker with mkdir.
After that i went inside it by command cd and created two file (File, File1) with command.touch Now i am compressing it. As you can see the extension .bz2 in both by command bunzip ,Now i will Decompress it by using
# bunzip2 File.bz2
Try the second file File1.bz2 from you side
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This is How it looks in Ubuntu whear i have 1st creacted Directory name hacker with mkdir
After that i went inside it, and created two file (file, file1) with touch command. Now i am compressing it as you can see the extension .bz2 in both by bunzip command,Now i will Decompress it by using
# bunzip2 file.bz2
Try the second file file1.bz2
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This is how it looks in Fedora whear i have 1st creacted Directory name hacker with mkdir
After that i went inside it, and created two file (file, file1) with touch command. Now i am compressing it,as you can see the extension .bz2 in both by bunzip command,Now i will Decompress it by using
# bunzip2 file.bz2
Try the second file file1.bz2
Bash command’s start with C (Basics)
1. CAL
It display calendar and present date :) . Simply type
# cal
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This is How in Backtrack
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That’s how in Ubuntu

2. CAT

It is used to create file and also display the content of files. And it is most important command. Let me show you How you can create File even. Write data inside it and Display it, via cat command.
# cat > hacker
(Then type the data what ever you like to type in hacker file. you can Give the extension of a file also like .html .txt what ever you like :) and Press Ctrl + D to Save it )
# cat > hack.html
(It will create html file with name hacker.You can type data inside file hack.html. And press Ctrl + D to save it )
# cat hacker hack.html
(It will show you the contents of data of both file which you have writeen inside. which is called Concatenate files.[Concatenation means putting multiple file contents together] You can have singal command also ‘# cat hacker‘)
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That’s how in Backtrack it Looks
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That is how in Fedora it looks like. :)
You can overwritte the existing data by simple double operator “>>” i.e
# cat >> hacker
The exact meaning of “>” is to take out the STDN Out put of the given file. “<" is to take out the STDN input from a file
# cat &lt; anaconda-ks.cfg
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This is how it looks in Fedora

3 CD To Change Directory

This command is used to change the Directory. :)
# cd
# cd .
(One level up)
# cd .
(Remain in same Directory)
# cd --
(will move in last working Directory)
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That’s how it looks in Backtrack
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This is How it looks in Fedora


This command is used to clear the terminal screen. And i think i don’t need to give a screen shot for that:)
# clear


This command will help you to get out from Terminal and shell. And again i think i don’t need to give a screen shot for that :)
# exit


grep Search files for lines that match a given pattern.Grep command often used with pipes.
# grep hack /etc/passwd
# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i 'Model'
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This is how it looks in Backtrack
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This is How it looks in Fedora


Compress or decompress named file. File extension (.gz) are created using gzip program which reduces the size of the named files using Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77).
# gzip file  (compress)
# gunzip file.gz (decompress)
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This is how it looks in Backtrack
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This is how it looks in Fedora
head /tail Output the first/last part of files
head command will show the beginning of a file. By default it will show the first 5 lines of a file.tail will show the end of it. Here’s an example. (dmseg=dmesg – print or control the kernel ring buffer).Here’s an example.
# head -n 5 /var/log/dmesg
# tail -n 5 /var/log/dmesg
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This is How it looks in Backtrack
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This is how it looks in Fedora
head /tail Output the first/last part of files. Head command will show the beginning of a file. By default it will show the first 5 lines of a file. Tail will show the end of it. Here’s an example. (dmseg=dmesg – print or control the kernel ring uffer).Here’s an example.
# head -n 5 /var/log/dmesg
# tail -n 5 /var/log/dmesg
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This is How it looks in Backtrack
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This is how it looks in Fedora

Protect Your Email and Other Online Accounts from Hackers

Protect your Email Account from Hackers 
In this post, I will teach you how to protect your email account from getting hacked in a very simple and easy to understand manner. The tips provided in this post not only applies to your email account, but can also be used to protect any other online account such as your bank logins, Paypal or your social networking account. Nowadays, I get a lot of emails from people where most of them ask me for help on getting back their email accounts. This is because, they have simply fallen victims and have got their email accounts hacked!
Today, it is a common problem for many Internet users to have their email accounts compromised by hackers. But this arises one BIG question in my mind!
“Is it so easy to hack an email account? OR Is it so difficult for people to protect their email account from getting hacked?”.
The single answer to these two questions is “Absolutely NOT!“. It is neither easy to hack an email nor difficult to protect an email account from being hacked.
If this is the case, then what is the reason for many people to lose their accounts?
The answer is very simple. They do not know how to protect themselves from getting hacked! In fact, most of the people who lose their online accounts to hackers are not the victims of hacking but the victims of trapping. They get hacked not because they are hacked by some expert hackers, but because they are fooled to such an extent that they themselves give away their password.
Are you confused? If so continue reading and you’ll come to know…
Now I will mention some of the most common pitfalls by which people often fall victims and get their accounts compromised. In addition to this, I will also give information on how to avoid these pitfalls and stay protected.

1. Website Spoofing (Phishing Scam)

Website spoofing, also known as phishing is the act of creating a fake website with the intention of misleading the visitors. The website will be created by a different person or organization (other than the original) especially for the purpose of cheating. Normally, the website will adopt the design of the target website and sometimes has a similar URL.
For example a spoofed website of appears exactly same as Yahoo Website. So, most people would believe this as the original site and lose their passwords. The main intention of spoofed websites is to fool users and take away their login details. For this, the spoofed sites offer fake login pages. These fake login pages resemble the original login pages of sites like Yahoo, Gmail or Facebook. Since they resemble the original login page, people believe that it is true and give away their login details to the hackers by trying to login to their accounts.


  • Never try to login/access your online account from the sites other than the original site.
  • Always type the URL of the site in the address bar to get into the site. Do not click on a hyperlink to enter the site.

2. By using Keylogger (Spyware)

The other commonly used method to steal password is by using a Keylogger. A Keylogger is nothing but a spyware. The detailed description of keylogger and its usage is discussed in the post How to Use Keyloggers. If you read this post you’ll come to know that it is too easy to steal the password using a keylogger program. If you just access your account from a computer installed with keylogger, you definitely lose your password. This is because the keylogger records each and every keystroke that you type on the computer’s keyboard.


Protecting yourselves from a keylogger scam is very easy. Just install a good anti-spyware program and update it regularly. This keeps your PC secure from a keylogger. For more information, you may read my other post on How to Protect your Computer from keyloggers?

3. Accessing your Email from a Public Place

Do you access your email from public places like cyber cafes? If so, you are definitely under the risk of losing your password. In fact, many people lose their email account in cyber cafes. For the owner of the cyber cafe, it is just a cakewalk to steal your password. For this, all he need to do is install a keylogger program on his computers. So, when you login to your email account from this PC, you give away your password to the cafe owner. Also, there are many Remote Administration Tools (RATs) which can be used to monitor your browsing activities in real time.
This doesn’t mean that you should never use cyber cafes for surfing the Internet. I know, not all the cyber cafe owners will be so wicked. However, it is recommended not to use public places for accessing confidential information. If it comes to the matter of security never trust anyone, not even your friend. I always use my own computer to login to my accounts so as to ensure the safety.
So with this I conclude my post and assume that I have helped my readers to protect their online accounts from being hacked. Please pass your comments. :)
Telephone number list by wiki

Windows TCP/IP Utilities

Windows TCP/IP Utilities 
The following are the IP utilities available in Windows that help in finding out the information about IP Hosts and domains. These are the basic IP commands that every beginner in the field of hacking must know!
Please note that the the term Host used in this article may also be assumed as a Website for simple understanding purpose.


PING is a simple application (command) used to determine whether a host is online and available. PING command sends one or more ICMP “Echo message” to a specified host requesting a reply. The receiver (Target Host) responds to this ICMP “Echo message” and returns it back to the sender. This confirms that the host is online and available. Otherwise the host is said to be unavailable.
Syntax: C:\>ping


Telnet command is used to connect to a desired host on a specified port number. Just like a house having several doors, a host or a server has different ports running different services. For example port 80 runs HTTP, port 23 runs TELNET while port 25 SMTP. Like this there are several ports on a server through which it is possible for a remote client to establish a connection.
For a connection to be established, the port has to be open. For example, in the following command, we are trying to establish a connection with the Yahoo server on port 25.:
Syntax: C:\>telnet 25
The default port number is 23. When the port number is not specified the default number is assumed.
NOTE: If you are using Vista or Windows 7, Telnet feature may not be available by default. .


Many times, we think about finding out the IP address of a given site. Say for example,, etc. But how to do this? There are several websites out there that can be used to find out the IP address of any given website. However, in the Windows operating itself, we have an inbuilt tool to do this job for us. It is called “nslookup”.
This tool can be used for resolving a given domain name into its IP address (determine the IP of a given site name). Not only this, it can also be used for reverse IP lookup. That is, if the IP address is given it determines the corresponding domain name for that IP address.
Syntax: C:\>nslookup


The netstat command can be used to display the current TCP/IP network connections. For example, the following “netstat” command displays all the currently established connections and their corresponding listening port numbers on your computer.
Syntax: C:\>netstat -a
Type “Ctrl+Z” to exit.
This command can be used to determine the IP address/Host names of all the applications connected to your computer. If a hacker is connected to your system even the hacker’s IP is displayed. So, the “netstat” command can be used to get an idea of all the active connections of a given system.

Review:Ubuntu Touch OS impresses for phones and tablets

BARCELONA, Spain--Ubuntu is coming to your phone and tablet, and in style. I got my hands on the forthcoming Ubuntu Touch operating system for smartphones and tablets at mobile industry shindig Mobile World Congress, and I'd say on first impression it knocks rivals like Firefox OS and Samsung-backed Tizen into a cocked hat. 
Ubuntu Touch is developed by Canonical and set to be available to the public in October. Manufacturers are yet to be confirmed, but you can try the software right now on selected Google Nexus devices. I tried out the new OS installed on a Google Nexus 4 smartphone, and the tablet version on a Google Nexus 7 slate.
The phone and tablet versions are identical in design and operation, except the tablet version has wider screens. Here's how the new OS works. 
At the top of the screen at all times is a thin black bar that shows the usual status indicators: battery, time, and phone signal. But it also has a search button, so you can always instantly search no matter what you're doing or which app you're in, on phone and tablet. Very handy.
Instead of shortcuts to open apps, the home screens show you your "stuff": messages, music, videos, and so on. The main home screen has a selection of the highlights, such as favorite videos. I like the widget for recent messages, as it displays messages in a Cover Flow-style sideways-scrolling carousel showing pictures of your friends -- a much friendlier and more human way to see who you're communicating with than a list of text. 
Swipey happy people
Swiping left and right takes you to home screens dedicated to different types of content: one for video, another for music, and so on. That puts your content on a home screen instead of in an app, making it quicker to reach.
The interface does away with buttons. Instead, you begin by swiping your finger in from the edges of the screen. Swipe in from the left to reveal the main menu, a column of app shortcuts down the left side of the screen. You can change the order of the apps and features in the column, to make sure you always have your favorite apps close by. 

Swipe in from the right side, and you scroll back through the apps you have open, in the order you visited them. The apps slide over quickly, although if you have a bunch of apps to scroll through before you reach your destination, it's not as fast as the Android task switcher, which pops up thumbnails of open apps to go straight to the one you want. 
Swipe down from the top for notifications and settings. Here you see a handy list of messages, including e-mails and other types of message. The coolest thing about this is you can reply right there in the notification screen, without having to open an app -- just tap on the message and a text box appears so you can type a quick reply. 
Swiping up from the bottom reveals a menu, called the HUD or head-up display, that varies in each app. For example, in the photo gallery app you can crop or retouch pictures, with plenty of options to play with, including color balance and saturation.
The app situation
Like Android, iOS, and other smartphone operating systems, you can download more apps and games to customize your phone. One of the most important factors in deciding whether to buy into a new smartphone OS is the number -- and more importantly, the quality -- of the apps available. Like all new platforms, Ubuntu is therefore trailing behind the established Google Play for Android and Apple's App Store.
But alongside the native apps, Ubuntu Touch supports the open and increasingly popular standard HTML5. Web apps that work online should work on Ubuntu -- so even though there's no official app store yet, Ubuntu already has access to HTML5 apps including big names like Facebook, Twitter, and Evernote. 
Phone apps work on the tablet, too. Unlike on the iPad, where phone apps are marooned forlornly in the middle of the screen, Ubuntu phone apps sit on the right side of the tablet screen, leaving the other two-thirds of the screen for a different tablet app. Both apps work simultaneously and independently, and when you're done with the phone app, you can just swipe it off the screen.
The software seemed super-responsive and superfast, even this far ahead of launch. Unlike the woefully unfinished Firefox OS and Tizen operating systems also shown off at Mobile World Congress, it appears ready for prime time. It's worth noting that the Nexus devices showcasing Ubuntu are high-speed, whereas Tizen and Firefox are lumbered with underperforming cheap devices. What form of hardware brings Ubuntu to shop shelves remains to be seen. 
But on first impression I'm hugely taken with Ubuntu Touch. It's elegant, thoughtful, and versatile, while remaining beautifully straightforward. Compared to the messy Android copycats Firefox OS and Tizen, it's by far the strongest potential rival to Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. In fact, I prefer it to iOS, which long ago lost its shine, and heck, maybe even to Android, too. Fingers crossed that manufacturers and phone carriers get behind it, because I'd happily lay down my own cash for an Ubuntu Touch phone. 
Sumen Mallick  /  at  23:20  /  No comments
BARCELONA, Spain--Ubuntu is coming to your phone and tablet, and in style. I got my hands on the forthcoming Ubuntu Touch operating system for smartphones and tablets at mobile industry shindig Mobile World Congress, and I'd say on first impression it knocks rivals like Firefox OS and Samsung-backed Tizen into a cocked hat. 
Ubuntu Touch is developed by Canonical and set to be available to the public in October. Manufacturers are yet to be confirmed, but you can try the software right now on selected Google Nexus devices. I tried out the new OS installed on a Google Nexus 4 smartphone, and the tablet version on a Google Nexus 7 slate.
The phone and tablet versions are identical in design and operation, except the tablet version has wider screens. Here's how the new OS works. 
At the top of the screen at all times is a thin black bar that shows the usual status indicators: battery, time, and phone signal. But it also has a search button, so you can always instantly search no matter what you're doing or which app you're in, on phone and tablet. Very handy.
Instead of shortcuts to open apps, the home screens show you your "stuff": messages, music, videos, and so on. The main home screen has a selection of the highlights, such as favorite videos. I like the widget for recent messages, as it displays messages in a Cover Flow-style sideways-scrolling carousel showing pictures of your friends -- a much friendlier and more human way to see who you're communicating with than a list of text. 
Swipey happy people
Swiping left and right takes you to home screens dedicated to different types of content: one for video, another for music, and so on. That puts your content on a home screen instead of in an app, making it quicker to reach.
The interface does away with buttons. Instead, you begin by swiping your finger in from the edges of the screen. Swipe in from the left to reveal the main menu, a column of app shortcuts down the left side of the screen. You can change the order of the apps and features in the column, to make sure you always have your favorite apps close by. 

Swipe in from the right side, and you scroll back through the apps you have open, in the order you visited them. The apps slide over quickly, although if you have a bunch of apps to scroll through before you reach your destination, it's not as fast as the Android task switcher, which pops up thumbnails of open apps to go straight to the one you want. 
Swipe down from the top for notifications and settings. Here you see a handy list of messages, including e-mails and other types of message. The coolest thing about this is you can reply right there in the notification screen, without having to open an app -- just tap on the message and a text box appears so you can type a quick reply. 
Swiping up from the bottom reveals a menu, called the HUD or head-up display, that varies in each app. For example, in the photo gallery app you can crop or retouch pictures, with plenty of options to play with, including color balance and saturation.
The app situation
Like Android, iOS, and other smartphone operating systems, you can download more apps and games to customize your phone. One of the most important factors in deciding whether to buy into a new smartphone OS is the number -- and more importantly, the quality -- of the apps available. Like all new platforms, Ubuntu is therefore trailing behind the established Google Play for Android and Apple's App Store.
But alongside the native apps, Ubuntu Touch supports the open and increasingly popular standard HTML5. Web apps that work online should work on Ubuntu -- so even though there's no official app store yet, Ubuntu already has access to HTML5 apps including big names like Facebook, Twitter, and Evernote. 
Phone apps work on the tablet, too. Unlike on the iPad, where phone apps are marooned forlornly in the middle of the screen, Ubuntu phone apps sit on the right side of the tablet screen, leaving the other two-thirds of the screen for a different tablet app. Both apps work simultaneously and independently, and when you're done with the phone app, you can just swipe it off the screen.
The software seemed super-responsive and superfast, even this far ahead of launch. Unlike the woefully unfinished Firefox OS and Tizen operating systems also shown off at Mobile World Congress, it appears ready for prime time. It's worth noting that the Nexus devices showcasing Ubuntu are high-speed, whereas Tizen and Firefox are lumbered with underperforming cheap devices. What form of hardware brings Ubuntu to shop shelves remains to be seen. 
But on first impression I'm hugely taken with Ubuntu Touch. It's elegant, thoughtful, and versatile, while remaining beautifully straightforward. Compared to the messy Android copycats Firefox OS and Tizen, it's by far the strongest potential rival to Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. In fact, I prefer it to iOS, which long ago lost its shine, and heck, maybe even to Android, too. Fingers crossed that manufacturers and phone carriers get behind it, because I'd happily lay down my own cash for an Ubuntu Touch phone.

Watching YouTube  Faster and Without Buffering

How to Watch YouTube Video Faster and Without Buffering YouTube Video:
]YouTube is one of most popular Video sharing websites toWatching videos through YouTube.
YouTube is real fun but sometimes it takes too long to buffer your favorite video.
Why is YouTube sometimes slow to buffer videos? Make YouTube video Faster

Now, You can watch YouTube videos without waiting on your slow internet connection by this tutorial.

Buffer the Entire YouTube Video:

First, you will need to download and install YouTube Center extension on any one of your favorite web browser like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, Opera and Maxthon.

After installed, you will receive a Welcome message for YouTube Center then Select Go to Settings.
Select the Player tab, look for the Dash Playback option then uncheck the box for Dash playback. Close the YouTube Center settings.
“If you want to access the YouTube Center settings again, simply click the gear button in the upper-right corner on YouTube”

YouTube Center allows you to watch YouTube video faster and customize your YouTube Video like you canDownload, Repeat, Resize, Turn Light on/off and more.

Ex: Go YouTube center setting and choose Player Option then Pick Auto Resolution as Low Definition (240p) then Close it.
Launch any YouTube to test, Stop Playing few seconds and choose Resize option to select Fit to Content then Turn Light ON. Now play that Video. Enjoy Watching YouTube Video Without Buffering!

For Google Chrome BrowserVisit: after download Go to Google Chrome setting then click Tools, Extensions to open the Extensions tab

Now, Drag the downloaded .CRX file to that Extensions tab (Open start menu & search CRX file for Drag to Extension tab) then Click the Add button to Confirm New Extension.
For other Browsers Visit:  YouTube Center

NOTE: Feel Free To Comment.

Grand Theft Auto V Cheats – PS3

Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) takes the franchise back to the city of Los Santos previously seen in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Unlike prior games in the series which focus on telling the story of a single player controlled character, GTA V features three central characters that the player is able to actively switch between at nearly any time during gameplay. Rockstar Games states that this will be their largest open world game to date, boasting a total area greater than those of GTA: San Andreas, GTA IV, and Red Dead Redemption combined. At a preview event in Spring 2013, reps said that the map in GTA V will be “five times bigger than Red Dead Redemption”. A first for the franchise, players won’t be restricted from certain areas in the game and can now explore the entire environment at their leisure.
Grand Theft Auto V Cheats PS3 Grand Theft Auto V Cheats   PS3
Grand Theft Auto V (also known as Grand Theft Auto 5, GTA 5 and GTA: V) is a Shooter/Third-Person 3D Shooter video game for PlayStation 3 developed by Rockstar North.

Grand Theft Auto V Cheats – Playstation 3

Cheat Codes

Trophies are disabled when cheats are used.
Give Item: ParachuteLeft, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Left, Left, Right, L1
Give Weapons (Tier 1)Triangle, R2, Left, L1, X, Right, Triangle, Down, Square, L1, L1, L1
Max Health and ArmorO, L1, Triangle, R2, X, Square, O, Right, Square, L1, L1, L1
Player Cheat: DrunkTriangle, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, O, Left
Player Cheat: Explosive Melee AttacksRight, Left, X, Triangle, R1, O, O, O, L2
Player Cheat: Explosive RoundsRight, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Right, Right, L1, L1, L1
Player Cheat: Fast RunTriangle, Left, Right, Right, L2, L1, Square
Player Cheat: Fast SwimLeft, Left, L1, Right, Right, R2, Left, L2, Right
Player Cheat: Flame RoundsL1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Right, L1, L1
Player Cheat: Flying CheatL1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right
Player Cheat: Invincibility (Lasts for 5 minutes)Right, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle
Player Cheat: Recharge Special AbilityX, X, Square, R1, L1, X, Right, Left, X
Player Cheat: Super JumpL2, L2, Square, O, O, L2, Square, Square, Left, Right, X
Player Cheat: Wanted Level – LowerR1, R1, O, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
Player Cheat: Wanted Level – RaiseR1, R1, O, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
Spawn Vehicle: BMXLeft, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2
Spawn Vehicle: BuzzardO, O, L1, O, O, O, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, O, Triangle
Spawn Vehicle: CaddyO, L1, Left, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, O, X
Spawn Vehicle: CometR1, O, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1
Spawn Vehicle: DusterRight ,Left, R1, R1, R1, Left, Triangle, Triangle, X, O, L1, L1
Spawn Vehicle: LimoR2, Right, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, O, Right
Spawn Vehicle: PCJ-600R1, Right, Left, Right, R2, Left, Right, Square, Right, L2, L1, L1
Spawn Vehicle: Rapid GTR2, L1, O, Right, L1, R1, Right, Left, O, R2
Spawn Vehicle: SanchezO, X, L1, O, O, L1, O, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1
Spawn Vehicle: Stunt PlaneO, Right, L1, L2, Left, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle
Spawn Vehicle: TrashmasterO, R1, O, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, O, Right
World Cheat: Change WeatherR2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square
World Cheat: Moon Gravity*Left, Left, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left
World Cheat: Slippery StreetsTriangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1
World Cheat: Slow MotionTriangle, Left, Right, Right, Square, R2, R1
Note: Enter the Weather cheat multiple times to toggle through rain, clouds, clear days and snow.
Note: Unlike GTA 4, you can spawn more than one vehicle at a time.

Free weapon upgrades:
If you die by blowing yourself up with a grenade after buying any weapon upgrades at Ammunation, the cash you had before you bought the upgrades will be returned to you once you respawn. You’ll also still have the weapon upgrades in your possession, essentially giving yourself free weapon upgrades.
Duplicating cars
Customize any car as desired, then switch to a different character, drive by the character in the customized car, and hang out with him. Then, get out of your vehicle, and drive their customized car. When you return with the customized car after hanging out with the other character, there will be another of the same customized car. Get out of the car, and take the duplicated customized car. Then, switch back to the other character, and take the original customized car.

Cheat Codes

Enter Codes by pressing up on the D-Pad to bring up your cell phone screen than pressing D-Pad again to bring up the number pad. Than enter one of the following phone numbers for the desired effect. Warning: Using Cheat Codes will disable certain trophies!
468-555-0100Change weather
486-555-0150Get a different selection of weapons
486-555-0100Get a selection of weapons
267-555-0150Raise wanted level
267-555-0100Remove wanted level
362-555-0100Restore armour
482-555-0100Restore health, armor, and ammo
948-555-0100Song information
227-555-0142Spawn a Cognoscenti
227-555-0175Spawn a Comet
938-555-0100Spawn a Jetmax
625-555-0150Spawn a Sanchez
227-555-0168Spawn a SuperGT
227-555-0147Spawn a Turismo
359-555-0100Spawn an Annihiliator
227-555-0100Spawn an FIB Buffalo
625-555-0100Spawn an NRG-900
Ammu-Nation Discount
Completing all of the gun range challenges will unlock discounts at all Ammu-Nation locations: Bronze-Level: 10% discount Silver-Level: 15% discount Gold-Level: 25% discount *Discounts are tied to each of the characters in the game. So if you have Gold level for Franklin, only he will receive the 25% discount.
Sumen Mallick  /  at  21:13  /  No comments
Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) takes the franchise back to the city of Los Santos previously seen in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Unlike prior games in the series which focus on telling the story of a single player controlled character, GTA V features three central characters that the player is able to actively switch between at nearly any time during gameplay. Rockstar Games states that this will be their largest open world game to date, boasting a total area greater than those of GTA: San Andreas, GTA IV, and Red Dead Redemption combined. At a preview event in Spring 2013, reps said that the map in GTA V will be “five times bigger than Red Dead Redemption”. A first for the franchise, players won’t be restricted from certain areas in the game and can now explore the entire environment at their leisure.
Grand Theft Auto V Cheats PS3 Grand Theft Auto V Cheats   PS3
Grand Theft Auto V (also known as Grand Theft Auto 5, GTA 5 and GTA: V) is a Shooter/Third-Person 3D Shooter video game for PlayStation 3 developed by Rockstar North.

Grand Theft Auto V Cheats – Playstation 3

Cheat Codes

Trophies are disabled when cheats are used.
Give Item: ParachuteLeft, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Left, Left, Right, L1
Give Weapons (Tier 1)Triangle, R2, Left, L1, X, Right, Triangle, Down, Square, L1, L1, L1
Max Health and ArmorO, L1, Triangle, R2, X, Square, O, Right, Square, L1, L1, L1
Player Cheat: DrunkTriangle, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, O, Left
Player Cheat: Explosive Melee AttacksRight, Left, X, Triangle, R1, O, O, O, L2
Player Cheat: Explosive RoundsRight, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Right, Right, L1, L1, L1
Player Cheat: Fast RunTriangle, Left, Right, Right, L2, L1, Square
Player Cheat: Fast SwimLeft, Left, L1, Right, Right, R2, Left, L2, Right
Player Cheat: Flame RoundsL1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Right, L1, L1
Player Cheat: Flying CheatL1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right
Player Cheat: Invincibility (Lasts for 5 minutes)Right, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Left, X, Triangle
Player Cheat: Recharge Special AbilityX, X, Square, R1, L1, X, Right, Left, X
Player Cheat: Super JumpL2, L2, Square, O, O, L2, Square, Square, Left, Right, X
Player Cheat: Wanted Level – LowerR1, R1, O, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
Player Cheat: Wanted Level – RaiseR1, R1, O, R2, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right
Spawn Vehicle: BMXLeft, Left, Right, Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2
Spawn Vehicle: BuzzardO, O, L1, O, O, O, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, O, Triangle
Spawn Vehicle: CaddyO, L1, Left, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, O, X
Spawn Vehicle: CometR1, O, R2, Right, L1, L2, X, X, Square, R1
Spawn Vehicle: DusterRight ,Left, R1, R1, R1, Left, Triangle, Triangle, X, O, L1, L1
Spawn Vehicle: LimoR2, Right, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, O, Right
Spawn Vehicle: PCJ-600R1, Right, Left, Right, R2, Left, Right, Square, Right, L2, L1, L1
Spawn Vehicle: Rapid GTR2, L1, O, Right, L1, R1, Right, Left, O, R2
Spawn Vehicle: SanchezO, X, L1, O, O, L1, O, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1
Spawn Vehicle: Stunt PlaneO, Right, L1, L2, Left, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle
Spawn Vehicle: TrashmasterO, R1, O, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, O, Right
World Cheat: Change WeatherR2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square
World Cheat: Moon Gravity*Left, Left, L1, R1, L1, Right, Left, L1, Left
World Cheat: Slippery StreetsTriangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1
World Cheat: Slow MotionTriangle, Left, Right, Right, Square, R2, R1
Note: Enter the Weather cheat multiple times to toggle through rain, clouds, clear days and snow.
Note: Unlike GTA 4, you can spawn more than one vehicle at a time.

Free weapon upgrades:
If you die by blowing yourself up with a grenade after buying any weapon upgrades at Ammunation, the cash you had before you bought the upgrades will be returned to you once you respawn. You’ll also still have the weapon upgrades in your possession, essentially giving yourself free weapon upgrades.
Duplicating cars
Customize any car as desired, then switch to a different character, drive by the character in the customized car, and hang out with him. Then, get out of your vehicle, and drive their customized car. When you return with the customized car after hanging out with the other character, there will be another of the same customized car. Get out of the car, and take the duplicated customized car. Then, switch back to the other character, and take the original customized car.

Cheat Codes

Enter Codes by pressing up on the D-Pad to bring up your cell phone screen than pressing D-Pad again to bring up the number pad. Than enter one of the following phone numbers for the desired effect. Warning: Using Cheat Codes will disable certain trophies!
468-555-0100Change weather
486-555-0150Get a different selection of weapons
486-555-0100Get a selection of weapons
267-555-0150Raise wanted level
267-555-0100Remove wanted level
362-555-0100Restore armour
482-555-0100Restore health, armor, and ammo
948-555-0100Song information
227-555-0142Spawn a Cognoscenti
227-555-0175Spawn a Comet
938-555-0100Spawn a Jetmax
625-555-0150Spawn a Sanchez
227-555-0168Spawn a SuperGT
227-555-0147Spawn a Turismo
359-555-0100Spawn an Annihiliator
227-555-0100Spawn an FIB Buffalo
625-555-0100Spawn an NRG-900
Ammu-Nation Discount
Completing all of the gun range challenges will unlock discounts at all Ammu-Nation locations: Bronze-Level: 10% discount Silver-Level: 15% discount Gold-Level: 25% discount *Discounts are tied to each of the characters in the game. So if you have Gold level for Franklin, only he will receive the 25% discount.

Crysis 3 Trainer

Crysis 3” is a first-person shooter video game developed by the German game developer Crytek and is published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. It was released in North America on February 19, 2013. Officially announced April 14, 2012, it is the third main installment of the Crysis series, a sequel to the 2011 video game Crysis 2, and runs on the CryEngine 3 game engine. It was one of the most anticipated upcoming games of 2013. Crysis 3 has won PC Gamer Most Valuable Game, Game Informer Best of Show and Electric Playground Best of E3 awards. Wikipedia®.
Crysis 3 700x393 Crysis 3 Trainer
The hunted becomes the hunter in the CryEngine-powered open-world shooter Crysis 3! Players take on the role of ‘Prophet’ as he returns to New York in the year in 2047, only to discover that the city has been encased in a Nanodome created by the corrupt Cell Corporation. The New York City Liberty Dome is a veritable urban rainforest teeming with overgrown trees, dense swamplands and raging rivers. Within the Liberty Dome, seven distinct and treacherous environments become known as the Seven Wonders. This dangerous new world demands advanced weapons and tactics. Prophet will utilize a lethal composite bow, an enhanced Nanosuit and devastating alien tech to become the deadliest hunter on the planet. Prophet is on a revenge mission after uncovering the truth behind Cell Corporation’s motives for building the quarantined Nanodomes. The citizens were told that the giant citywide structures were resurrected to protect the population and to cleanse these metropolises of the remnants of Ceph forces. In reality, the Nanodomes are CELL’s covert attempt at a land and technology grab in their quest for global domination. With Alien Ceph lurking around every corner and human enemies on the attack, nobody is safe in the path of vengeance. Everyone is a target in Prophet’s quest for retribution.
Crysis 3 Trainer (+6) Options:
With this Crysis 3 Trainer you will be able to instantly make use of the Infinite Health, Infinite Energy, Unlimited Ammo, No Reload, Infinite Hacking Time, Get Nanites in-game cheats that will prove to be more than useful. NOTE: This new trainer is for the 1.5 version of the game!
Source: Download Crysis 3 Trainer for PC
Crysis 3” is a first-person shooter video game developed by the German game developer Crytek and is published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. It was released in North America on February 19, 2013. Officially announced April 14, 2012, it is the third main installment of the Crysis series, a sequel to the 2011 video game Crysis 2, and runs on the CryEngine 3 game engine. It was one of the most anticipated upcoming games of 2013. Crysis 3 has won PC Gamer Most Valuable Game, Game Informer Best of Show and Electric Playground Best of E3 awards. Wikipedia®.
Crysis 3 700x393 Crysis 3 Trainer
The hunted becomes the hunter in the CryEngine-powered open-world shooter Crysis 3! Players take on the role of ‘Prophet’ as he returns to New York in the year in 2047, only to discover that the city has been encased in a Nanodome created by the corrupt Cell Corporation. The New York City Liberty Dome is a veritable urban rainforest teeming with overgrown trees, dense swamplands and raging rivers. Within the Liberty Dome, seven distinct and treacherous environments become known as the Seven Wonders. This dangerous new world demands advanced weapons and tactics. Prophet will utilize a lethal composite bow, an enhanced Nanosuit and devastating alien tech to become the deadliest hunter on the planet. Prophet is on a revenge mission after uncovering the truth behind Cell Corporation’s motives for building the quarantined Nanodomes. The citizens were told that the giant citywide structures were resurrected to protect the population and to cleanse these metropolises of the remnants of Ceph forces. In reality, the Nanodomes are CELL’s covert attempt at a land and technology grab in their quest for global domination. With Alien Ceph lurking around every corner and human enemies on the attack, nobody is safe in the path of vengeance. Everyone is a target in Prophet’s quest for retribution.
Crysis 3 Trainer (+6) Options:
With this Crysis 3 Trainer you will be able to instantly make use of the Infinite Health, Infinite Energy, Unlimited Ammo, No Reload, Infinite Hacking Time, Get Nanites in-game cheats that will prove to be more than useful. NOTE: This new trainer is for the 1.5 version of the game!
Source: Download Crysis 3 Trainer for PC

Far Cry 3 Trainer

Far Cry 3” is an open world first-person shooter video game developed mainly by Ubisoft Montreal in conjunction with Ubisoft Massive, Ubisoft Red Storm, Ubisoft Shanghai and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. A stand-alone expansion titled Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon was released on April 30, 2013. Far Cry 3 is set on a tropical island somewhere in the vicinity of the Malay Archipelago, between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. After a vacation goes awry, protagonist Jason Brody must save his friends, who have been kidnapped by pirates and escape from the island and its unhinged inhabitants. Far Cry 3 is a first-person shooter, which also features role-playing game elements including experience points, skill trees, and a crafting system. The player has the ability to take cover behind objects to break enemies’ lines of sight and also to peek around and over cover and blindfire. The player also has the ability to perform silent “takedowns” by performing melee attacks from above, below, or close behind. The game’s narrative director, Jason Vandenberghe, said that the story mode map is around ten times larger than in the game’s previous installments. Players are given the ability to survey and plan out their attacks with stealth takedown combinations and also tag enemies with the camera in order to track their movement once they break the player’s line of sight. Wikipedia®.
Far Cry 3 Far Cry 3 Trainer
Beyond the limits of civilization lies an island, a lawless place ruled by piracy and human misery, where your only escapes are drugs or the muzzle of a gun. This is where you find yourself, trapped in a place that’s forgotten right from wrong, a place that lives by the principles of violence. In Far Cry 3, players step into the shoes of Jason Brody, stranded on this mysterious tropical island. You dictate how the story unfolds, from the battles you choose to fight down to the allies or enemies you make along the way. Slash, sneak, detonate and shoot your way across the island in a world that has lost all sense of right and wrong. Beware the beauty and mystery of this unexplored paradise and live to outwit its roster of ruthless, desperate characters. You’ll need more than luck to survive. Far Cry 3 Trainer (+25) Options:
Use this trainer with the open world first person shooter game Far Cry 3 and you will receive all these in-game cheats: infinite health, infinite ammo, infinite money, infinite syringes, infinite explosives, infinite skill points, unlock weapon slot, super accuracy, super speed, super jump, no reload, no recoil, big purse, big backpack, invisibility, one hit kill.
Note: This cheat is for the 1.0 – 1.5 version of the game Far Cry 3.
Source: Download Far Cry 3 Trainer for PC
Far Cry 3” is an open world first-person shooter video game developed mainly by Ubisoft Montreal in conjunction with Ubisoft Massive, Ubisoft Red Storm, Ubisoft Shanghai and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. A stand-alone expansion titled Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon was released on April 30, 2013. Far Cry 3 is set on a tropical island somewhere in the vicinity of the Malay Archipelago, between the Indian and Pacific Oceans. After a vacation goes awry, protagonist Jason Brody must save his friends, who have been kidnapped by pirates and escape from the island and its unhinged inhabitants. Far Cry 3 is a first-person shooter, which also features role-playing game elements including experience points, skill trees, and a crafting system. The player has the ability to take cover behind objects to break enemies’ lines of sight and also to peek around and over cover and blindfire. The player also has the ability to perform silent “takedowns” by performing melee attacks from above, below, or close behind. The game’s narrative director, Jason Vandenberghe, said that the story mode map is around ten times larger than in the game’s previous installments. Players are given the ability to survey and plan out their attacks with stealth takedown combinations and also tag enemies with the camera in order to track their movement once they break the player’s line of sight. Wikipedia®.
Far Cry 3 Far Cry 3 Trainer
Beyond the limits of civilization lies an island, a lawless place ruled by piracy and human misery, where your only escapes are drugs or the muzzle of a gun. This is where you find yourself, trapped in a place that’s forgotten right from wrong, a place that lives by the principles of violence. In Far Cry 3, players step into the shoes of Jason Brody, stranded on this mysterious tropical island. You dictate how the story unfolds, from the battles you choose to fight down to the allies or enemies you make along the way. Slash, sneak, detonate and shoot your way across the island in a world that has lost all sense of right and wrong. Beware the beauty and mystery of this unexplored paradise and live to outwit its roster of ruthless, desperate characters. You’ll need more than luck to survive. Far Cry 3 Trainer (+25) Options:
Use this trainer with the open world first person shooter game Far Cry 3 and you will receive all these in-game cheats: infinite health, infinite ammo, infinite money, infinite syringes, infinite explosives, infinite skill points, unlock weapon slot, super accuracy, super speed, super jump, no reload, no recoil, big purse, big backpack, invisibility, one hit kill.
Note: This cheat is for the 1.0 – 1.5 version of the game Far Cry 3.
Source: Download Far Cry 3 Trainer for PC

Resident Evil Revelations Trainer

Resident Evil Revelations returns redefined for PC complete with high quality HD visuals, enhanced lighting effects and an immersive sound experience. This latest version of Resident Evil Revelations will also deliver additional content including a terrifying new enemy, extra difficulty mode, integration with and improvements to Raid Mode.
Resident Evil: Revelations” brings a new type of story that focuses on famous heroes like Jill Valentine or Chris Redfield, as well as on an array of secondary characters, not to mention a bioterrorism organization called Veltro. The terrorists unleashed a group of monsters into an island city called Terragrigia and forced government authorities to burn the location from space. As you can imagine, that didn’t exactly neutralize the threat, and now the BSAA needs to investigate the remnants of Veltro and its monsters. While the action takes place in a variety of locales, most of the time you’ll be on a derelict ship called Queen Zenobia, which has been infested with zombies thanks to the T-Abyss virus.
What follows is a pretty decent plot that puts players in the shoes of different characters in different time periods, which can be a bit confusing, at least at first. While there’s still quite a bit of corny dialog and some twists can be seen a mile away, they’re not that annoying and should remind veterans of the franchise’s cheesy origins.
Resident Evil Revelations Resident Evil   Revelations Trainer
Resident Evil – Revelations Trainer Options (v1.x +5):
With this new Resident Evil – Revelations Trainer you will be able to instantly make use of the infinite health, unlimited ammo, no reload, unlimited explosives and unlimited medical herbs in-game cheats that will prove to be more than useful.
Source: Download Resident Evil – Revelations Trainer for PC

NOTE: Feel Free To Comment.
Resident Evil Revelations returns redefined for PC complete with high quality HD visuals, enhanced lighting effects and an immersive sound experience. This latest version of Resident Evil Revelations will also deliver additional content including a terrifying new enemy, extra difficulty mode, integration with and improvements to Raid Mode.
Resident Evil: Revelations” brings a new type of story that focuses on famous heroes like Jill Valentine or Chris Redfield, as well as on an array of secondary characters, not to mention a bioterrorism organization called Veltro. The terrorists unleashed a group of monsters into an island city called Terragrigia and forced government authorities to burn the location from space. As you can imagine, that didn’t exactly neutralize the threat, and now the BSAA needs to investigate the remnants of Veltro and its monsters. While the action takes place in a variety of locales, most of the time you’ll be on a derelict ship called Queen Zenobia, which has been infested with zombies thanks to the T-Abyss virus.
What follows is a pretty decent plot that puts players in the shoes of different characters in different time periods, which can be a bit confusing, at least at first. While there’s still quite a bit of corny dialog and some twists can be seen a mile away, they’re not that annoying and should remind veterans of the franchise’s cheesy origins.
Resident Evil Revelations Resident Evil   Revelations Trainer
Resident Evil – Revelations Trainer Options (v1.x +5):
With this new Resident Evil – Revelations Trainer you will be able to instantly make use of the infinite health, unlimited ammo, no reload, unlimited explosives and unlimited medical herbs in-game cheats that will prove to be more than useful.
Source: Download Resident Evil – Revelations Trainer for PC