Sunday, 9 June 2013

The ‘Advertising’ Botnet

Bots belonging to the Artro botnet are detected by Kaspersky Lab products as Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack, which has been around since early 2008. However, a full description of its functionality is still not available, so to rectify this, we decided to publish the results of a study we undertook.

The downloader

The Artro botnet was created using a Trojan downloader that is detected by Kaspersky Lab as Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack. The Trojan is protected by a packer with heavily obfuscated code. As a rule, packers are used to prevent the detection of a packed malicious program rather than to protect its code from analysis, and this piece of malware is no exception: unpacking it is a relatively easy task. When unpacked, the WinMain function of different Trojans usually looks more or less the same. In this case, however, the malware authors tried to obfuscate their code by inserting large numbers of superfluous instructions in order to make the code harder to analyze.
The WinMain function of Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack after unpacking
The superfluous code is polymorphic and consists of code blocks that perform various operations on global variables which are not used by the main code. It also includes API functions, which when executed, in no way affect the running of the program itself.
Superfluous instructions in a fragment of the Trojan’s disassembled code
Obfuscation produces code that is remarkably jumbled up for a simple downloader.
Notable features of Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack include checking that the Trojan is not running on a virtual machine or under a debugger. However, unlike most malicious programs which terminate upon detecting a debugger or virtual machine in order to hinder dynamic analysis, CodecPack simply sends the results of the check to the C&C server.
Each string of the Trojan is encrypted using the RC4 algorithm and decrypted every time it needs to be used. The first one or two bytes in each string contain the decryption key. The length of the string is calculated by adding a constant to the key value -the constant being embedded in the Trojan’s code and unique for each sample.
The first thing Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack does upon launching is check for an Internet connection by sending DNS requests to several popular websites, such as, and, which are likely to be available at any time of the day or night. If there is no Internet connection, CodecPack terminates its process. If the infected computer is online, the downloader collects information about it, including the volume serial number of the drive containing the Windows folder, operating system version, whether the current user has administrator privileges and whether the Trojan is running on a virtual machine or under a debugger. Next, a request to the C&C center containing the collected data is created. It is worth noting that the domains to which the downloader sends requests are not real C&C centers. The servers associated with these domains are simply reverse proxies which are only needed to conceal the botnet’s real command-and-control center.
A POST request from the downloader to the C&C center and the reply received
Importantly, all the requests sent to command servers by the Trojan are encrypted. The data is first encrypted using the RC4 algorithm and then encoded using Base64. Replies from the C&C center are also encrypted. The procedure for decrypting replies is the reverse of that used to encrypt requests: firstly, a reply is decoded using the Base64 algorithm and then it is decrypted using RC4. The key used to encrypt and decrypt data is the same for all samples and is embedded in the Trojan’s body.
A request to the C&C center is a POST request with an ini parameter that contains a string:
…which produces the following string when decrypted:
35a169ddfc4eef&a2=00001920&cd=Fri 04 2011,22:16:41
The string includes the Trojan’s unique identifier (parameter a1), an identifier of the partner through which CodecPack was downloaded to the machine (parameter a2), and a time stamp that is included in the file as a string (parameter cd). The data parameter contains a string:
…which looked like this before encryption:
Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (build 2600)
This string provides the following information to the C&C center:
  • whether the user account under which the Trojan is running has administrator privileges (the value of the admin parameter can be “yes” or “no”)
  • whether the Trojan is running under a debugger or on a virtual machine (the debug parameter can take the following values: “none”, “vmware”, “vmware2”, “vmware3”, “msvpc”, “msvpc2”, “cvpc”, “debugger1”, “debugger2”, “debugger3”, “debugger4”, “debugger5”, “softice”, “vm”, “vm2”)
  • the version of the operating system (the OS parameter)
The purpose of the request is to receive a configuration file from the command server. The file is sent by the server as a meaningless set of characters:
…which is decrypted to form an XML configuration file:
<start><url crypt='gif'
_upp.gif</url><url crypt='gif'
<start><url crypt='gif'
><url crypt='gif'
<start><url crypt='gif'
werce.gif</url><url crypt='gif'
<start><url crypt='gif'
.gif</url><url crypt='gif'
The configuration file has a fairly simple structure. The root element includes a number of start elements. Each start element corresponds to a file that is to be downloaded and executed. Each start element also includes URL elements that specify download addresses. A start element can include several URL elements. Thus if the malware fails to download a file using the link provided in the first URL element, it will try to download it using the next link.
Files are downloaded to users’ machines in encrypted form. The encryption method is defined by the crypt attribute of a URL element. The attribute can take two values, GIF or RC4. It is easy to guess that the latter method consists of encrypting files using the RC4 algorithm. The GIF value means that a .gif image will be downloaded, such as the following:

Naturally, it will not be just an image: in addition to graphical data, it will contain an executable file encrypted using the RC4 algorithm.
Decrypted files are saved to the hard drive and launched, after which the downloader deletes its file from the hard drive and terminates its process. Thus, the downloader’s mission is limited to downloading malicious files from links specified in the configuration file and launching them on the machine.
While conducting research into the botnet’s operation, we discovered that the downloader’s configuration file cannot be downloaded by users from some countries. For example, users in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan have so far not been able to download the file: they see a ‘404 Not Found’ error message every time.

Downloads: adware/clickers

As a rule, the downloader’s configuration file contains links to 3 or 4 programs. The links may lead to malicious files that are downloaded following orders received by the botnet’s owners from their cybercriminal ‘colleagues’. Such files may vary depending on the country and may not be present in the download instructions for some countries. But there are programs that the downloader always downloads: these are bot programs displaying advertising (i.e., adware) and which click on links, advertising banners and popup windows. Unlike files downloaded to infected computers to-order, these programs are developed by the same malware authors who created the downloader. This conclusion is supported by the following two facts:
Firstly, links to these files are always present in the downloader’s configuration file. In other words, they are the basic set of downloaded malicious programs and provide the botnet’s owners with their principal source of income.
Secondly, the code in these malicious programs is very similar to that of the downloader: it uses the same obfuscation methods, the same algorithm for encrypting each string (although the keys that are used differ), the same packer and a protocol for communicating with the server that is identical to that used by the downloader.
Communication between the HitBot and the server
Each bot regularly requests an encrypted configuration file with parameters specific to that bot from the command server.
The domains used for the command servers with which the bots communicate are different from those used for the downloader and change relatively infrequently.
Five main programs downloaded to infected computers by the Trojan downloader are known at this time.
BannerBot. The configuration file provides this bot with direct links to advertising service banners, which it clicks on, resulting in redirection to a website. Alternatively, it provides links to websites where it uses the div tag to find specific banners to click on. The bot shows some of the banners to the user. Parameters in the configuration file include the referer field, which contains a link to the request source (i.e., from where the advertising site redirected the ‘user’).
An example of a decrypted BannerBot configuration file
New_bb. This bot’s functionality is similar to that of BannerBot, but it sends some additional statistics about its operation to the server and can communicate with the server without receiving a configuration file. In this instance, the server to which the bot sends a POST request redirects the request to a second server using response code 302. The bot extracts the relevant parameters, such as the referer field for requested banner links and the number of clicks to be performed on banners before connecting to the first server again, from the Set-Cookie HTTP field.
Extracting parameters for New_bb from the Set-Cookie field and redirecting the bot’s request to a second server
In its turn, the second server returns JavaScript with a link to a banner which is executed in the browser.
Receiving JavaScript from the second server for New_bb
PopupBot. The configuration file provides this bot with links to scripts that open pop-up windows, on which the bot clicks, resulting in redirection to a website. The bot displays some of the pop-up windows to the user. The screenshot below shows a sample set of instructions for this bot providing the referer field for the links to scripts among its parameters.
Decrypted instructions from the server for the PopupBot
HitBot is a clicker that receives instructions from the server to request network resources at regular intervals with the referer field and the time interval specified in the configuration file.
Decrypted instructions for the HitBot received from the server
If the ref parameter in the configuration file is empty, the HitBot simply generates fake traffic statistics for the website specified in the URL parameter.
Oms. This is the only bot implemented as a dynamic-link library and installed as a service. The bot supports regular expressions and intercepts browser requests to the Google, Bing and Yahoo search engines, extracting queries entered by the user.
Regular expressions used in parsing user queries
After extracting a query, the Oms bot encrypts its parameters and sends them to the server. Parameters sent include the user’s search query and the search engine’s website address.
Decrypted parameters sent by the Oms bot to the server
The server’s reply will be in the form of a configuration file that includes, depending on the user’s query, a link to which the user will be redirected upon clicking on any of the search engine results, as well as a referer field for that link.

Decrypted instructions for the Oms bot from the server
For example, a link received in the configuration file may redirect users to a web page imitating an explorer.exe window with what appears to be the results of a malware scan, along with an offer to download fake antivirus software.
A web page imitating an antivirus solution scan
Websites opened by the Oms bot and other CodecPack bots have a variety of content, such as that shown in the screenshot below.

An example of a website opened by the adware program

The money

As we mentioned above, the botnet’s owners make money from downloads of third-party malware, as well as click fraud, fake traffic and showing web pages with a variety of content to users. We have no way of assessing how much money the cybercriminals may be making from downloads, but we can provide a tentative estimate of their income from click fraud and fake traffic.
So how do the owners of the ‘advertising botnet’ make money?
Strategy for deceiving advertisers
Many website owners who want to increase user traffic to their resources employ the services of advertising networks. To increase traffic to the web resource being advertised, links to that site are displayed on websites belonging to participants of the advertising network, the so-called publishers. The advertiser pays the network’s owners for each user they attract. Publishers are paid for each user redirected from their website to the advertiser’s website.
Many advertising services use affiliate programs in order to increase the number of sites upon which advertising links can be displayed.
Some publishers use the services provided by botnet owners in order to increase their income by redirecting visitors to advertisers’ resources. Bots emulate redirection of users who click on advertising links to the resources being advertised. For this purpose, the bot enters the address of the botnet client’s website into the referer field of an HTTP request to the advertising service or sends the ID of an advertising network partner in the request’s parameters. In turn, the advertising service redirects to the target resoursce
This fraudulent scheme provides income to botnet owners, unscrupulous partners and publishers. The advertising networks receive their share of the income as well. Only the advertisers suffer: their investment in advertising fails to provide their websites with visitors.
We believe that many of the website owners and advertising network partners are unaware of the fact that some of their revenue comes from a botnet.
While monitoring the botnet’s activity, we identified numerous systems for buying and selling traffic with which different CodecPack bots interact. Below is a sample list of such services, the information for which was taken from configuration files:
This list includes well known and widely used advertising services, as well as more dubious ones. Links to these domains were received by bots with numerous different referer values or partner identifiers. Below are listed some of the websites for which fake traffic services were ordered from botnet owners and which were specified in the referer field of configuration files in February 2011:
For example, the address is provided in the referer field for the Oms bot. Here is an assessment of the site by a service that offers information on website revenue and net worth:
Evaluation of the net worth and revenue of by
In the course of our research, we discovered the average number of clicks-per-day that each module performs on the links received in the configuration file. This figure, as well as such parameters as the average payment received by an advertising service per click, the minimum number of bots on a zombie network and the probable share of the income that botnet owners receive from selling traffic, enables us to evaluate the probable income received by the cybercriminals. Our estimate is US $1,000 to $2,000 per day.
It should be noted that this calculation does not include the Oms bot, the clicks from which are wholly dependent on what users do with their search queries. It is also worth noting that the cybercriminals use flexible settings for the frequency of clicks performed by bots. This allows them to imitate the behavior of real-life users: clicks are performed in succession over predetermined periods of time, with long intervals interspersed by periods of increased activity, rather than at a constant frequency.
Luckily, some advertising services are already using technologies that detect fake traffic attempts. As for advertisers, they should take the choice of services they use to attract traffic to their websites very seriously.


CodecPack uses a variety of methods to find its way onto users’ machines. This indicates that the owners of the Artro botnet use malware distribution services provided by their colleagues. The CodecPack downloader is distributed by botnets; this means that it is installed on computers that are already infected with a Trojan downloader. It can also be distributed using exploit packs: once a user visits an infected website, an exploit hosted on the site will automatically download and install CodecPack on the visitor’s computer. One shining example of distributing the downloader using exploits was a spam mailing detected by Kaspersky Lab in March 2011, following the latest major earthquake in Japan. Spam messages included a link to a malicious website that used exploits to install Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack on users’ machines.
However, the main method of infecting users’ machines with CodecPack is actually quite unsophisticated: users download and launch the malicious executable themselves. Naturally, few users will launch an unknown file ‘just for the sake of it’ these days. Cybercriminals bear this in mind and disguise the Trojan as a codec, a legitimate program, a key generator or a ‘crack’ for a useful program distributed via so-called ‘Warez’ sites. CodecPack is also distributed via fake video hosting sites, pornography sites created for the specific purpose of infecting users’ computers and fake blogs. Based on the nature of these sites, it can be surmised that the cybercriminals’ victims are mostly those who like freebies and adult content, as well as unwary users.
How does this happen? Suppose that a user visits a fake video hosting site in order to watch a video:
A fake video hosting site
Text located next to the player window warns the user that a codec may need to be downloaded. As a result, when a standard dialog window opens in response to the user’s attempt to view a video and offers to save or run an executable with a plausible name (e.g., DivXcodec.exe), the user launches the file without thinking twice, believing that this is the codec required to watch the video. However, the program launched is in fact Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack, which incidentally, was named after this method of installing the malware on users’ machines. Users who try to view pornography on fake porn sites or read posts in fake blogs are infected in a similar way.
A fake blog site
An attempt to view a video published in a blog brings up a web page with an image of a video player.
A web page with an image of a video player
In reality, this is not a video player but an image linking to a malicious file. The link has the following format:
<A href="http://mo***">
<IMG src="xplayer.gif" border=0></A>
As described above, the user clicks on the image of a video player, bringing up an offer to download a ‘codec’. Needless to say that downloading and launching the file will not allow the user to view a video but will result in the computer becoming infected.
If a user attempts to download software, a key generator or a crack from a ‘Warez’ website, things appear even more convincing as the user’s principal reason for visiting the site is to download a program. Naturally, the software downloaded will contain nothing but a Trojan.
A website distributing Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack disguised as cracked,
legitimate software
How do users reach websites hosting links to malicious files? They are attracted to such websites using black hat search-engine optimization (Black SEO) methods. For example, the fake blog mentioned above came up on the second page of search results in response to certain search terms. In addition, links to sites that link to malicious files are published in comments to posts on popular blogs and news portals.
Malicious links on many different websites may lead to the same domain. Domains used in links are commonly changed several times a day.

The number of domains hosting CodecPack per-day during January, 2011

Scale of the problem

Kaspersky Lab detected the first CodecPack sample in the summer of 2008. The Artro botnet has grown to an enormous size in the last two and a half years: in January 2011, CodecPack was detected at least once on the machines of approximately 140,000 of our users.
The number of users upon whose computers Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack has been detected
It is worth comparing this figure with the data obtained from the cybercriminals’ servers, which is possible as we were able to access one of the botnet’s back-end servers and examine its log files. The log files contained such data as IP addresses of computers from which requests to C&C centers had come, request dates and times, plus countries where infected computers were located. The diagram below shows the number of unique IP addresses from which requests were sent to the botnet’s C&C center during the period 24 April to 07 August (by day).
The number of unique IP addresses in C&C log files per day
The diagram shows that on some days, the number of unique IP addresses reached 150 thousand. Importantly, these log files were obtained from one back-end server only, while the botnet has at least three such servers. It is unclear whether log files are stored centrally on one of the servers or whether each server generates its own log files. In the latter case, the actual figures could be significantly higher than those shown above.
According to the log files, computers in 235 countries across the globe have been infected with Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack. The table below shows the top 20 countries most affected by the malware.

Country %
United States 14.46%
Brazil 6.45%
India 5.65%
Germany 5.87%
Mexico 4.08%
France 2.45%
Italy 2.28%
United Kingdom 2.26%
Spain 2.14%
Colombia 2.01%
Vietnam 1.78%
Turkey 1.53%
Ukraine 1.47%
Canada 1.43%
Iran 1.43%
Pakistan 1.38%
Indonesia 1.35%
Thailand 1.31%
Peru 1.27%
Argentina 1.25%
Others 27.51%

The geographical distribution of computers infected with
Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack (based on data from log files)
This list correlates closely with similar data obtained from the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN): the countries in the top 20 are largely the same, only their positions in the ranking have changed.

Country %
India 10.64%
United States 9.16%
Germany 5.48%
Russian Federation 4.61%
Italy 4.15%
Vietnam 3.64%
United Kingdom 3.63%
Saudi Arabia 2.92%
France 2.77%
Malaysia 2.55%
Brazil 2.45%
Spain 2.34%
Indonesia 2.299%
Canada 2.294%
Thailand 2.2%
Turkey 1.99%
Mexico 1.61%
Poland 1.55%
United Arab Emirates 1.50%
Iran 1.44%
Others 30.78%

The geographical distribution of Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack detection
(based on statistics from KSN)


One of the factors which favor the botnet’s growth is that the malware authors use a packer to protect the CodecPack downloader from detection. As mentioned above, the adware files downloaded by Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack are packed with the same packer as the downloader. The packer is polymorphic and uses anti-emulation techniques.
The downloader and the files downloaded by it are repacked relatively often, at least once a day, making detection of the malware a difficult task.

The number of repacked variants of Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack (per day)
As an experiment, Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack, which had been distributed by the cybercriminals two days earlier, was uploaded to the Virustotal antivirus scanning service. The result was encouraging: 40 antivirus products out of 43 detected the file as malicious.

Scanning results for a two-day-old file
Another sample, which had been distributed by the cybercriminals on the day of the experiment, was also uploaded to the service. The scanning results were disappointing to say the least: only 11 out of 43 antivirus products detected the file as malicious:

Disappointing scanning results for a ‘fresh’ sample
It appears that the cybercriminals are actively monitoring the detection of repacked programs by antivirus products. A Kaspersky Lab product with Kaspersky Security Network support enabled on it was installed on one of the computers. For some time, we received notifications that a Perl application on the computer was trying to download files detected by Kaspersky Lab as CodecPack from certain links. The links used gave us valuable information: they provided the names the bots were given by the malware authors and showed the folder structure used on the server, thereby disclosing the server’s purpose.
KSN notifications regarding Web Anti-Virus module responses triggered
by attempts to download files detected by Kaspersky Lab
This has enabled us to identify a server used by the malware authors to check the ability of different antivirus products to detect newly-repacked bots and CodecPack downloaders.

In conclusion

The Artro botnet has been in existence for over two years and has grown to an impressive size. The key element in building the botnet is Trojan-Downloader.Win32.CodecPack. This is protected with a polymorphic packer, by which it is repacked several times a day.
The botnet’s owners mainly specialize in generating fake website traffic. A large number of infected computers and a well organized business model allow the cybercriminals to deceive advertisers and make large amounts of money in the process. In addition to this line of business, the cybercriminals also make money from downloading third-party malware to infected computers. The number of infected machines, combined with a downloader that is not easy to detect, means that the CodecPack/Artro botnet is a very dangerous tool in the hands of the cybercriminals.
We will continue to closely monitor the Artro botnet’s activities.

Oldest first
Threaded view
Patrik Blomqvist
2011 Jun 15, 12:01
For great analyses!
Brian E.
2011 Sep 23, 02:09
I think you should check out there are 2 or 3 products that may be a match. I think that OESIS Framework at provides a single interface to many antivirus and Kaspersky is in that list. Another option is, I think, Metascan at which is more for ISV.
I also found that Kaspersky is certified by OPSWAT at

I hope this helps.

Brian E.
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Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Exemption of Two Subjects for R-09 Batch

Update on 7th June 2013: Students has submitted their request letter on exception of subjects rule for R09 to JNTUH VC & VC said that he need time till 12th June 2013 to take a final decision.

Students are requested to wait till 12th June for further updates.

Update As on 5th June 2013 : As u all know NSUI is striving hard for us. We, along with NSUI team met DEPUTY CM on 3/6/13 and submitted him the representation on which he has officially signed and asked NSUI people to forward the letter to JNTU V.C for examining and considering the letter. NSUI now has decided to meet Jntu VC along with huge gathering on 7/6/13 and submit the representation letter which was signed by Deputy CM and request the VC to exempt 2 subjects for RO9 batch. NSUI believes we can build the pressure on the VC submitting the representation letter along with large gathering on that day. So, let us join with NSUI as they are working for us after all.

Please everyone gather in huge numbers at JNTU on 7th June 2013 by 10 a.m. And show the strength for the implementation of the rule.

Make sure we do not violate the Law and Order as we are fighting for our career's.

#Thank you NSUI #
Last edited by froz33n_heart; 06-06-2013 at 08

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Your Passport to a Job in America

To get a job in the U.S., you have to Americanize your resume.

Your dream of getting a job in the U.S. could be ended by a common mistake: not Americanizing your resume.

Indians typically include things on their resumes that American recruiters don’t want to see, and may even find off-putting. It’s important, therefore, to customize your resume to meet the requirements and style expected by an American recruiter.

Here are some tips on how to do that:

Limit personal details:
The typical Indian resume includes too many personal details, which are best left out when applying to the U.S. Your marital status, number of children, religion and father’s profession are superfluous.

These details have no bearing on your ability to do a job, and instead make your resume look dense, and could be uncomfortable for the person reviewing it.

Stick to basics like your name and contact details.

Focus on accomplishments: While many Indian recruiters first look up your academic qualifications, American recruiters typically care more about your work experience, and how interested you are in the job you’re applying for.

So, for an American resume, mention your educational qualifications at the end, says Pujya Jennifer Pascal, a career counselor at O.P. Jindal Global University, in the north Indian state of Haryana.

Start instead with your area of interest or expertise, followed with the skills you have for the job, and then list your work experience.

If you have worked for many years in one particular field, you can start with your work experience.

Use numbers to show what you’ve accomplished in your previous jobs, says Ashley Chiampo, founder of New Global Mind, an executive coaching firm based in Gurgaon.

For instance, if you designed 10 products at your last firm, which helped increase the company’s revenue by 10%, be sure to include that, says Ms. Chiampo.

Use words that convey action like “created” and “negotiated,” she adds.

If you have just graduated, and don’t have much work experience, highlight your skills and extra-curricular activities such as leading a group project or being the captain of the college cricket team.

It can help to highlight life beyond your work and show you are a rounded individual.

If you are applying for an engineering job and mention that you are interested in fashion and design clothes in your free time, it helps show your personality, says Ms. Chiampo.

Mind your language: All resumes should be grammatically correct and free of spelling errors, but for an American resume, be sure to use American English. If you use British grammar and spellings — which Indians follow — the person going through the resume at the American company might consider it an error.

Be job-specific: American companies expect resumes to be crisp and very specific to the job you are applying for, says Sunil Goel, chief executive of Delhi recruitment firm GlobalHunt India Pvt.

If you send a generic resume to a company it shows that you haven’t spent enough time finding out about them.

Read up about the company and the job you are applying for, and use your resume to show why you are the best fit for that job.

If, for instance, you want to join an information technology company in United States as a software engineer, check the segments in which the company does most of its software development. When you write your resume, mention the skills that are most relevant to that segment first, and then list other skills.

Test your resume: Experts suggest giving your resume to a person who doesn’t know you very well. Give this person 10 seconds to look at your resume — the time a recruiter will give your resume — and ask what they remember.

If this person doesn’t immediately get your strengths and achievements, you need to rework your resume.

Source : WSJ

300 lose jobs as US firm shuts shop

HYDERABAD: About 300 employees of a US-based hardware company located in Madhapur have been rendered jobless after the company filed for bankruptcy and is all set to issue relieving letters to the staff next week.

Powerwave Technologies, a US-based multinational company located at Cyber Pearl in Madhapur, filed for bankruptcy in the USA in January this year. Now, the 300-odd employees working in the city have been intimated by the management to collect their relieving letters as the company is reportedly winding up its operations.

Employees of Powerwave, which is a listed company in NASDAQ, told TOI that they were asked to report on a particular day next week and collect their relieving letters by depositing the assets given to them by the company. "On Wednesday, we were informed that Thursday and Friday will be holidays and that the company will resume operations on Monday. However, on Thursday, I got a telephone call from our HR intimating us that I should come on Tuesday and collect my relieving letter," Ravula Thirumal, Senior Two Engineer in Powerwave, said. Similar was the case with most of the other employees. Ravula added that all the reporting heads of the company were informed that the company has decided to wind up its operations.

It was on January 29 that the bankruptcy suit was filed in Delaware State, USA, by the authorities of the MNC. Powerwave, which manufactures 2G and 3G hardware, started its operations in Hyderabad in early 2000.

Employees are worried that the company has not referred to its contractual obligations besides the payment of salary for the last 15 days. "As per the contract, the authorities of Powerwave are supposed to give a three months notice to employee besides giving three months salary while terminating the services of employees. But, when I questioned about the arrears and other contractual obligations, our HR said that they cannot make any commitment. All that they told us was to surrender the assets like laptops and other items given by the company," a reporting head of Powerwave, who requested for anonymity, told TOI.

When contacted, Rakesh Sinha, country head of Powerwave, told TOI that so far no one has been told to collect their relieving letters. "As of now the company is operational. So far we have not asked anyone to collect their relieving letters," Sinha said.

Source : TOI

Guidelines About Industry Oriented Mini Project

The objective of this document is to present the general guidelines for the writing up of a proper mini-project report.

All JNTU B-Tech III-II have to do a industry oriented mini project which is implemented by JNTU from R05 batch.

We were very confused as to what we had to do as this was only a mini project on whether we have to go to industry,scope of project etc.But as in most colleges we were given choice to a study project or kit based and this could be done in an Institute,Industry or own.Most of chose to do a study project and were given permission for this and we had to submit this report as soon as IV/I starts and had to work on project in III/II break.This project will be evaluated during IV/II (Along with the Final or Main Project).

Basically in this mini project student can take up any Industry oriented application in his/her field of interest in their respective field/branch.First one has to submit an Abstract of the project to their concerned department head (HOD) and once he approves it ,he will assign a project guide to the individual or batch after this project work is to be started. Generally batch for a mini project may have 1 to 3 members in it.

Impotant Points:

1. There is no page limit only thing to be considered is that concept is complete.
2. One must acquire all data and concepts related to one's project.
3. The Format Guidelines given by respective Dept.heads for report layout.
4. Project should have good idustry oriented applications.
5.The industry oriented mini project shall be submitted in report form and should be presented before the committee, which shall evaluate for 50 marks.
The committee consists of an external examiner, head of the department, the supervisor of mini project and senior faculty member of the department.
6.There shall be no internal marks for industry oriented mini project.

The below info will give you the complete and detailed description of the mini projects reports.

It is essential that you produce a clear and concise report that reflects the literature survey, problem identification, project aims and objectives, the engineering design work carried out, tests performed and discussion of results. The emphasis should not be on the length of the report, but rather on the way by which the above aspects are presented In this context, you should avoid downloading bulk text and images from books or the Internet or use unconventional fonts or graphics with a view to impressing the reader You should rather show the reader that you have understood the problem at hand and used an engineering approach to produce a working solution by working as a team with your group members. You should also be able to explain the working principle and design of each stage of the developed system.Reviews will be conducted by your college in order to know the progress of your project work( 2 to 3 reviews will be taken generally).


With the format given below, the mini-project report should normally not exceed 30 pages(excluding the appendix), and should not be shorter than 20 pages.

Font and Size :

• For Chapter Numbers and Titles: Times New Roman Size 18, Bold, Centered, Upper-Case.
• Sections Numbers and Titles: Times New Roman Size 14, Bold, Left aligned • Sub-section Numbers and Titles: Times New Roman Size 12, Bold, Left aligned • For the main text: Times New Roman Size 12, Justified.


• Do NOT put the Chapter Number and Title on a separate Page.
• If there are less than four lines remaining at the bottom of the page, start the new section or subsection on the following page.

Paragraphs and Line Spacing :

1.5 throughout. Leave a blank space from one paragraph to another.

Margins :

Top, Bottom, Right: 25mm; Right: 30mm.

Headers/ Footers :

Times New Roman Size 10.

Equations :

Should be edited with Microsoft Equation, and should be numbered in ascending order in each chapter:


is the first Equation in Chapter 2.

Page Numbers :

Start with Page 1 at the beginning of Chapter 1. Page numbers should be centered at the bottom of the page.

Figures and tables :

• Position Figures and Tables as close as possible to the text where they are referred.
• Figures and Tables should be numbered in ascending order for each chapter, using the same sequence as for Equations.
• The number of the figure, and its caption should be typed immediately below it in Times New Roman Size 12.
• The number of the table and its caption should be typed immediately above it in Times New Roman Size 12.

TITLE PAGE : The title page should include the following information:

• Mini-Project Title
• Student Names and ID Nos.
• A statement that the report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Training of the B.Eng. (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
• Date of submission

TABLE OF CONTENTS : The table of contents should list all the chapters, sections and other parts of the report, along with their page numbers. In particular the following should be included:

NOTE: The above page numbers are given as examples only.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT : Any person, institution, organization, department or lab, whose help or support you want to acknowledge for the project.

ABSTRACT : A summary of 300 to 400 words of the practical application, the problem to be solved, the approach used and the main results obtained.

LIST OF FIGURES : A list of all Figure Numbers presented in the report, and their title (E.g. Figure 2.1 Circuit diagram of the Traffic Light Controller) along with the page numbers.

LIST OF TABLES : A list of Table Numbers presented in the report and their title, along with the page numbers.

All the best to all B.Techs.