Tuesday 26 March 2013

13 Basic Safety Rules for Social Networking

Set up privacy settings for your online profile
Don’t publish all the intimacies of your life—your hatred for your boss or an impending divorce — don’t become public when people find you in a search. Facebook, for example, lets you decide who can see your information and pictures. You can limit exposure to “friends” or even just a few people on your list.
Don’t rush to friend your children!
There are tons of teen or college-age kids on these sites; wait to see if they reach out to you. There are some things you really don’t want to know about your little angels. Plus, they probably like having their own parent-free space on the Web.
Use LinkedIn and Facebook to stay in touch with former colleagues
These days (unfortunately) you never know when you’ll need a reference for a new job or opportunity. It’s always better to keep your professional network strong and well-updated.
Don’t post boring status updates

Please don’t update your Facebook status every single second of your day. If you must share, save those comments for Twitter (and please don’t have your Twitter feed post to Facebook—even though you can). Trust us, your associates don’t want a dull rundown of how you overslept this morning, are having tummy issues, and can’t find that missing sock.
Think twice before friending your employees
Give a good thought before friending your employees on social sites. They don’t want to offend you by saying no, but they also don’t want you to see their wall posts post work hours, they have probably had enough of you all day!
Don’t randomly add strangers
Don’t “friend” strangers and waste your time inspecting or commenting on their profiles. Same goes for people you haven’t seen in years. Social-networking sites are for staying in touch—not stalking!
Limit what you share
It’s fine if you want to take a “Which serial killer are you?” quiz. When you complete all of the multiple-choice questions, however, you’ll almost certainly be asked to invite a dozen or so people to take the quiz, too; there’s no need for this unless you think they’ll really enjoy it. Look for a ‘Skip this step’ or ‘Continue to result’ button (in tiny type) somewhere on the page, click it, and you won’t have to send invitations to anyone as a precondition to getting your quiz results. Clicking the ‘Skip’ button on the following screen will prevent the quiz from showing up on your wall or being shared on your friends’ walls.
Limit Facebook chat
Just because someone has a Facebook window open doesn’t mean they’re automatically available for a chat session. Facebook Chat is like any other instant messaging platform–use it appropriately, and recognize that your friends may be too busy to respond immediately, especially during business hours.
No Pokes
If you are over the age of 16, don’t “poke” people–seriously.
Avoid making Groups for official concerns
One disconcerting trend among many Facebook users involves creating a Group for a business concern, and then inviting everyone under the sun to join the group. This is a misuse of the feature–and bad manners–since Groups are designed to serve as gathering places to discuss genuine leisure, cultural, social, or other common interests, not as ad hoc copy shops. Common courtesy should impel you not to create a Group for your business–but if you insist on doing so anyway, please invite only employees to join the Group. If your business needs a Facebook presence, create an official Page for it; then, if you must, invite friends to becomes fans of that Page.
Beware of embarrassing photos
Resist the temptation to post every last photo from your birthday party on Facebook, particularly images that may cast your guests in an unflattering light. If you have any doubt, ask the subjects of any iffy pics in advance whether they’d mind your posting the shots; then abide by their wishes.
Tag smartly
The same thing goes for tagging: The people in a picture might not object to its being online as long as their names are not associated with it. It is no breach of etiquette to untag yourself from any photograph. Remember, though, that untagging is permanent: You can’t be retagged to a photo once the tag is removed.
Ignore Away
You are under no obligation to acknowledge a Facebook friend request, whether it comes from a stranger or from someone you know but don’t want as part of your digital life. After all, you wouldn’t be obliged to seat visitors at your dinner table if they showed up without warning at your house at 7 o’clock. (One alternative way of dealing with this situation is to add iffy contacts to a severely restricted limited profile list.) On the flipside, if you want to friend a stranger (for whatever reason), add a note of explanation to your friend request, explaining who you are and the reason for your request.





A. Download setup from HERE.
B. install setup and open it.
C. after open it select iso image file of win 7.
D. after selecting win 7 location click on next.
E. after that click on USB DEVICE and select your pendrive.
F. after that click on BEGIN COPY.


A. Download setup from HERE.
B. open it and click on wintoflash.exe
C. after open click on next>accept t&c
D. it take some time if you connected with internet. after that select quick setup and click finish.
E. now click on advance mode and select window name which you want to make bootable USB.
F.  select window dvd drive and pendrive location and click on run.
(it make bootable from cd/dvd only if you want to make bootable from iso image file then you have to download DEMOND TOOL(download ). to make a virtual dvd drive.)
G. it make bootable usb drive.

Cisco Packet Tracer 5.3.2

Cisco Packet Tracer Software Downloads
Packet Tracer Version 5.3 2 Software Downloads
Packet Tracer version 5.3.2 is a maintenance release that fixes functional and technical issues in the previous versions. It replaces Packet Tracer version 5.3.1
Packet Tracer 5.3 2 supports activities authored in Packet Tracer 4.0, 4.1, 4.11, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2.x , and 5.3.x Please note that the last two courses of the CCNA Discovery and CCNA Exploration curricula require Packet Tracer version 4.11 at a minimum, CCNA Security requires version 5.2 at a minimum, and the beta Packet Tracer Skills Based Assessments require version 5.2.1 at a minimum. The curricula are fully compatible with Packet Tracer 5.3.2
You can download both the Packet Tracer application and tutorial files in one download package. However, due to the large file size it is faster to download the application by itself, if that is all you need. Choose the download option appropriate for your needs.


Title Document Type
Packet Tracer v5.3.2 Application + Tutorial
This is the complete Packet Tracer program including tutorials as a single downloadable package for Windows 2000, XP and Vista.
(EXE - 80 MB)
Packet Tracer v5.3.2 Application only
This option is just the Packet Tracer program and the help files for Windows 2000, XP and Vista. It does not include the tutorial files. The tutorial files are not necessary to run Packet Tracer.
(EXE - 47 MB)

Use Firefox to download the Linux.bin files as Internet Explorer doesn't load them correctly.
To install the Linux BIN packages, set the permission to be executable (chmod +x PacketTracer52_*.bin) then execute the binary in the terminal.
Title Document Type
Packet Tracer v5.3.2 Application + Tutorial Linux-Ubuntu
This is the complete Packet Tracer program including tutorials as a single downloadable package for Ubuntu release 7.10.
(BIN - 101 MB)
Packet Tracer v5.3.2 Application only Linux-Ubuntu
This option is just the Packet Tracer program and the help files for Ubuntu release 7.10. It does not include the tutorial files. The tutorial files are not necessary to run Packet Tracer.
(BIN - 68 MB)
Packet Tracer v5.3.2 Application + Tutorial - Generic Ubuntu
This is the complete Packet Tracer program including tutorials for generic Ubuntu
(tar.gz - 102 MB)
Packet Tracer v5.3.2 Application + Tutorial Linux-Fedora
This is the complete Packet Tracer program including tutorials as a single downloadable package for Fedora release 7.
(BIN - 98 MB)
Packet Tracer v5.3.2 Application only Linux-Fedora
This option is just the Packet Tracer program and the help files for Fedora release 7. It does not include the tutorial files. The tutorial files are not necessary to run Packet Tracer.
(BIN - 65 MB)
Packet Tracer v5.3.2 Application + Tutorial Generic Fedora
This is the complete Packet Tracer program including tutorials for generic Fedora
(tar.gz - 99 MB)

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CCNA - Hotspot Questions

Hotspot Routing Question

Question 1:
If the router R1 has a packet with a destination address, what describes the operation of the network?
A - R1 will forward the packet out all interfaces
B - R1 will drop this packet because it is not a valid IP address
C - As R1 forwards the frame containing this packet, Sw-A will add to its MAC table
D - R1 will encapsulate the packet in a frame with a destination MAC address of FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF
E - As R1 forwards the frame containing this packet, Sw-A will forward it ti the device assigned the IP address of

Answer: B

Question 2:
Users on the network must access files located on the Server 1. What route could be configured on router R1 for file requests to reach the server?
A - ip route s0/0/0
B - ip route
C - ip route
D - ip route

Answer: A
Quetion 3:
When a packet is sent from Host 1 to Server 1, in how many different frames will the packet be encapsulated as it is sent across the internetwork?
A - 0
B - 1
C - 2
D - 3
E - 4

Answer: D
Question 4:
What must be configured on the network in order for users on the Internet to view web pages located on Web Server 2?
A - On router R2,configure a default static route to the network
B - On router r2, configure DNS to resolve the URL assigned to Web Server 2 to the address
C - On router R1, configure NAT to translate an address on the network to
D - On router R1, configure DHCP to assign a registered IP address on the network to Web Server 2

Answer: C
Question 5:
The router address is the default gateway for both the Web Server 2 and Host 1. What is the correct subnet mask for this network?
A -
B -
C -
D -

Answer: A

Hotspot Frame-relay Question

Question 1:
What destination Layer 2 address will be used in the frame header containing a packet for host
A - 704
B - 196
C - 702
D - 344

Answer: C
Question 2:
A static map to the S-AMER location is required. Which command should be used to create this map?
A - frame-relay map ip 704 broadcast
B - frame-relay map ip 196 broadcast
C - frame-relay map ip 702 broadcast
D - frame-relay map ip 344 broadcast

Answer: B
Question 3:
Which connection uses the default encapsulation for serial interfaces on Cisco routers?
A - The serial connection to the MidEast branch office
B - The serial connection to the DeepSouth branch office
C - The serial connection to the NorthCentral branch office
D - The serial connection to the Multinational Core

Answer: A
Question 4:
If required, what password should be configured on the router in the MidEast branch office to allow a connection to be established with the Dubai router?
A - No password is required
B - Enable
C - Scr
D - Telnet
E - Console

Answer: D
List of Questions for mock-Interviews:1).Tell me about yourself.
2).Have you brought your resume?
3).What do you know about our organization?
4).What experience do you have?
5).According to your definition of success, how successful have you been so far?
6).What are your most significant accomplishments in your life so far?
7).Would you describe a few situations in which your work was criticized?
8).How would you describe your personality?
9).What are your strong points?
10).What are your weak points?
11).How did you do in school?
12).What do you look for in a job?
13).How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?
14).How long would you stay with us?
15).Describe what would be an ideal working environment?
16).Do you prefer working with figures, or with words?
17).What kinds of people do you find difficult to work with?
18).If you had your choice of jobs and companies, where would you go?
19).Why do you want to work for us?
20).What was the last book you read? Movie you saw? Sporting event you attended?
21).What are you doing, or what have you done to reach your career objectives?
22).What kind of hours are you used to working?
23).What would you do for us?
24).Describe some situations in which you have worked under pressure or met deadlines?
25).How do you handle rejection?
26).Give an example of your creativity.
27).Give examples of your leadership abilities.
28).What are your career goals?
29).What position do you expect to have in two years?
30).What are your objectives?
31).Why should we hire you?
32).You may be over-qualified or too experienced for the position we have to offer.
33).Why haven’t you found a new position before now?
34).If you could start again, what would you do differently?
35).Describe your ideal career?
36).How did you apply for the job?
37).Why do you want to work here?
38).Don't you think that you are over qualified for this job?
39).What competition do you see if you take up this job?
40).What would you do if our competitor offer you a job?
41).What salary do you expect?
42).What interests you most about the job?
43).What is your dream job?
44).Why should we take you?
45).How is your experience relevant to this job?
46).How do you manage stress in your daily work?
47).Describe a professional skill you have developed in you?
48).How do you manage your work to meet dead lines
49).What can motivate you?
50).Whom do you choose as your reference and why?
51).Can we call all your references?
52).Do you have any questions?
53).How do you handle criticism
54).How do you handle tension?
55).Describe a typical work week.
56).How many hours do you normally work?
57).How would you describe the pace at which you work?
58).What motivates you?
59).What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make?
60).If the people who know you were asked why you should be hired, what would they say?
61).Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?
62).Give some examples of team work
63).What type of work environment do you prefer?
64).Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it.
65).How do you evaluate success?
66).What interests you about this job?
67).Why do you want this job?
68).What applicable attributes / experience do you have?
69).Are you overqualified for this job?
70).What can you do for this company?
71).Why should we hire you?
72).Why are you the best person for the job?
73).Why do you want to work for this organization?
74).What challenges are you looking for in a position?
75).What can you contribute to this company?
76).Are you willing to travel?
77).Is there anything I haven't told you about the job or company that you would like to know?
78).Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way
79).Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that demonstrated your coping skills
80).Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem
81).Give me an example of a time when you set a goal and were able to meet or achieve it
82).Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's opinion
83).Give me a specific example of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree
84).Please discuss an important written document you were required to complete
85).Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done
86).Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize your tasks
87).Give me an example of a time when you had to make a split second decision
88).What is your typical way of dealing with conflict? Give me an example
89).Tell me about a time you were able to successfully deal with another person even when that individual may not have personally liked you (or vice versa)
90).Tell me about a difficult decision you've made in the last year
91).Give me an example of a time when something you tried to accomplish and failed
92).Give me an example of when you showed initiative and took the lead
93).Tell me about a recent situation in which you had to deal with a very upset customer or co-worker
94).Give me an example of a time when you motivated others
95).Tell me about a time when you delegated a project effectively
96).Give me an example of a time when you used your fact-finding skills to solve a problem
97).Tell me about a time when you missed an obvious solution to a problem
98).Describe a time when you anticipated potential problems and developed preventive measures
99).Tell me about a time when you were forced to make an unpopular decision.

Cisco Networking Academy Curriculum Setup – Download:

CCNA Exploration 1, 2, 3, and 4. All version 4.0.
I hope they help. :) Study hard! ;) I hope the installers help those who are about to take the CCNA exam and students taking up CCNA Exploration courses.
I’m not a CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate, nor do I plan to take the CCNA examination in the future. However, my boyfiend took the CCNA exam, passed, and is now a CCNA. I admire his high intelligence and believe that he can achieve many great things (that he wants) with little effort. :)

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Samba and LDAP

This section covers configuring Samba to use LDAP for user, group, and machine account information and authentication. The assumption is, you already have a working OpenLDAP directory installed and the server is configured to use it for authentication. See the section called “OpenLDAP Server” and the section called “LDAP Authentication” for details on setting up OpenLDAP. For more information on installing and configuring Samba see Chapter 17, Windows Networking.


There are three packages needed when integrating Samba with LDAP. samba, samba-doc, and smbldap-tools packages . To install the packages, from a terminal enter:
sudo apt-get install samba samba-doc smbldap-tools
Strictly speaking the smbldap-tools package isn't needed, but unless you have another package or custom scripts, a method of managing users, groups, and computer accounts is needed.

OpenLDAP Configuration

In order for Samba to use OpenLDAP as a passdb backend, the user objects in the directory will need additional attributes. This section assumes you want Samba to be configured as a Windows NT domain controller, and will add the necessary LDAP objects and attributes.
  • The Samba attributes are defined in the samba.schema file which is part of the samba-doc package. The schema file needs to be unzipped and copied to /etc/ldap/schema. From a terminal prompt enter:
    sudo cp /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/examples/LDAP/samba.schema.gz /etc/ldap/schema/
    sudo gzip -d /etc/ldap/schema/samba.schema.gz
  • The samba schema needs to be added to the cn=config tree. The procedure to add a new schema to slapd is also detailed in the section called “Further Configuration”.
    1. First, create a configuration file named schema_convert.conf, or a similar descriptive name, containing the following lines:
      include /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema
      include /etc/ldap/schema/collective.schema
      include /etc/ldap/schema/corba.schema
      include /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.schema
      include /etc/ldap/schema/duaconf.schema
      include /etc/ldap/schema/dyngroup.schema
      include /etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
      include /etc/ldap/schema/java.schema
      include /etc/ldap/schema/misc.schema
      include /etc/ldap/schema/nis.schema
      include /etc/ldap/schema/openldap.schema
      include /etc/ldap/schema/ppolicy.schema
      include /etc/ldap/schema/samba.schema
    2. Next, create a temporary directory to hold the output:
      mkdir /tmp/ldif_output
    3. Now use slapcat to convert the schema files:
      slapcat -f schema_convert.conf -F /tmp/ldif_output -n0 -s "cn={12}samba,cn=schema,cn=config" > /tmp/cn=samba.ldif
      Change the above file and path names to match your own if they are different.
    4. Edit the generated /tmp/cn\=samba.ldif file, changing the following attributes:
      dn: cn=samba,cn=schema,cn=config
      cn: samba
      And remove the following lines from the bottom of the file:
      structuralObjectClass: olcSchemaConfig
      entryUUID: b53b75ca-083f-102d-9fff-2f64fd123c95
      creatorsName: cn=config
      createTimestamp: 20080827045234Z
      entryCSN: 20080827045234.341425Z#000000#000#000000
      modifiersName: cn=config
      modifyTimestamp: 20080827045234Z
      The attribute values will vary, just be sure the attributes are removed.
    5. Finally, using the ldapadd utility, add the new schema to the directory:
      ldapadd -x -D cn=admin,cn=config -W -f /tmp/cn\=samba.ldif
    There should now be a dn: cn={X}misc,cn=schema,cn=config, where "X" is the next sequential schema, entry in the cn=config tree.
  • Copy and paste the following into a file named samba_indexes.ldif:
    dn: olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config
    changetype: modify
    add: olcDbIndex
    olcDbIndex: uidNumber eq
    olcDbIndex: gidNumber eq
    olcDbIndex: loginShell eq
    olcDbIndex: uid eq,pres,sub
    olcDbIndex: memberUid eq,pres,sub
    olcDbIndex: uniqueMember eq,pres
    olcDbIndex: sambaSID eq
    olcDbIndex: sambaPrimaryGroupSID eq
    olcDbIndex: sambaGroupType eq
    olcDbIndex: sambaSIDList eq
    olcDbIndex: sambaDomainName eq
    olcDbIndex: default sub
    Using the ldapmodify utility load the new indexes:
    ldapmodify -x -D cn=admin,cn=config -W -f samba_indexes.ldif
    If all went well you should see the new indexes using ldapsearch:
    ldapsearch -xLLL -D cn=admin,cn=config -x -b cn=config -W olcDatabase={1}hdb
  • Next, configure the smbldap-tools package to match your environment. The package comes with a configuration script that will ask questions about the needed options. To run the script enter:
    sudo gzip -d /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/configure.pl.gz
    sudo perl /usr/share/doc/smbldap-tools/configure.pl
    Once you have answered the questions, there should be /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap.conf and /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap_bind.conf files. These files are generated by the configure script, so if you made any mistakes while executing the script it may be simpler to edit the file appropriately.
  • The smbldap-populate script will add the necessary users, groups, and LDAP objects required for Samba. It is a good idea to make a backup LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file with slapcat before executing the command:
    sudo slapcat -l backup.ldif
  • Once you have a current backup execute smbldap-populate by entering:
    sudo smbldap-populate
    You can create an LDIF file containing the new Samba objects by executing sudo smbldap-populate -e samba.ldif. This allows you to look over the changes making sure everything is correct.
Your LDAP directory now has the necessary domain information to authenticate Samba users.

Samba Configuration

There a multiple ways to configure Samba for details on some common configurations see Chapter 17, Windows Networking. To configure Samba to use LDAP, edit the main Samba configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf commenting the passdb backend option and adding the following:
#   passdb backend = tdbsam

# LDAP Settings
   passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://hostname
   ldap suffix = dc=example,dc=com
   ldap user suffix = ou=People
   ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
   ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers
   ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
   ldap admin dn = cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
   ldap ssl = start tls
   ldap passwd sync = yes
   add machine script = sudo /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -t 0 -w "%u"
Restart samba to enable the new settings:
sudo restart smbd
sudo restart nmbd
Now Samba needs to know the LDAP admin password. From a terminal prompt enter:
sudo smbpasswd -w secret
Replacing secret with your LDAP admin password.
If you currently have users in LDAP, and you want them to authenticate using Samba, they will need some Samba attributes defined in the samba.schema file. Add the Samba attributes to existing users using the smbpasswd utility, replacing username with an actual user:
sudo smbpasswd -a username
You will then be asked to enter the user's password.
To add new user, group, and machine accounts use the utilities from the smbldap-tools package. Here are some examples:
  • To add a new user to LDAP with Samba attributes enter the following, replacing username with an actual username:
    sudo smbldap-useradd -a -P username
    The -a option adds the Samba attributes, and the -P options calls the smbldap-passwd utility after the user is created allowing you to enter a password for the user.
  • To remove a user from the directory enter:
    sudo smbldap-userdel username
    The smbldap-userdel utility also has a -r option to remove the user's home directory.
  • Use smbldap-groupadd to add a group, replacing groupname with an appropriate group:
    sudo smbldap-groupadd -a groupname
    Similar to smbldap-useradd, the -a adds the Samba attributes.
  • To add a user to a group use smbldap-groupmod:
    sudo smbldap-groupmod -m username groupname
    Be sure to replace username with a real user. Also, the -m option can add more than one user at a time by listing them in comma separated format.
  • smbldap-groupmod can also be used to remove a user from a group:
    sudo smbldap-groupmod -x username groupname
  • Additionally, the smbldap-useradd utility can add Samba machine accounts:
    sudo smbldap-useradd -t 0 -w username
    Replace username with the name of the workstation. The -t 0 option creates the machine account without a delay, while the -w option specifies the user as a machine account. Also, note the add machine script option in /etc/samba/smb.conf was changed to use smbldap-useradd.
There are more useful utilities and options in the smbldap-tools package. The man page for each utility provides more details.

Exporting data to Excel from LDAP Using LDAP Admin Tool

This tutorial explains how to export data to excel using LDAP Admin Tool; To export data first connect to the directory server (To create a new connection please see Connecting to a LDAP Server using LDAP Admin Tool)
To connect:
  • Click the Open Connection button from the main tool bar. The Open LDAP Connection dialog opens
  • Select the connection and click “Connect”.

Export Excel open connection

After successful connection, select the entry you want to export and select “Excel Export” from right click context menu

On the wizard page, just provide the “Excel File Name”, increase the “Count Limit” to expected number of records, leave everything else to default and click finish.                     


Fill out the wizard page that is displayed as follows and click finish:
Export LDAP Data to excel
Options Description
Excel File Name The Excel file to export to. Type in the full path or browse, to select the path on the file system. The drop-down list provides a history of recently used files.
Search Base The base DN of the search. You could edit the DN or select a recently used DN from drop-down list or browse  to open the DN Selector dialog.
Filter Enter a valid LDAP search filter. The drop-down list provides a history of recently used filters. A click to the filter editor button opens the Create Filter dialog.
Returning Attributes A list of attributes to return, the default is All User Attribute with DN.You can sleect the option from the drop down menu. The drop down menu provides the following options:
All User Attributes with DN
All User Attributes without DN
All User Attributes with DN and with operational Attributes
All User Attributes without DN and with operational Attributes
  Select from the List ....
Select from the List option will open the Select Attributes Dialog, where you can select the attributes to return. You can also open the select attributes dialog from the Browse.. Button.
Search Scope You can choose from the following options:
Base (Search only the base - this option will only return the base entry)
One Level (Search only the immediate children of base DN)
Subtree (Search the base DN and all its subentries)
Count Limit The maximum number of entries the server should return, value 0 (zero)means no limit. Note that this value is a client-side limit; it's possible that also a server-side limit is used.
Time Limit The maximum time in milliseconds the server should search. Value 0 (zero) means no limit. Note that this value is a client-side value; it's possible that also a server-side limit is used.
Enable Referrals An indicator whether to follow referrals or not.
Replace file if Exists If the export file already exists, you must permit to overwrite the file or it will ask when you click finish.
Format DateTime If you check this box the export process will automatically format the dateTime to local time zone date time. The default format is EEE MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'Z for e.g ( Sate Apr 12 2008 20:32:52 GMT -0500) . You can modify the date time format by clicking the DateTimeFormat Link
Restore Defaults Restore Defaults will restore the default filter and all the other fields to default values.
To view the file on finish, click the “Open File”.

LDAP Directory Export - Step 2

Select attributes to export
To select the attributes from the list, select the “Select from the List…” from the returning attributes drop down, It will open the dialog where you can select the list of attributes to export
Or type in the attributes separated by “,” like dn, cn, mail
LDAP Select Attributes

Connecting to a LDAP Server

Once you have downloaded and installed the LDAP Admin Tool, click on the LDAP Admin Tool shortcut to start the application. When the application is started it will look like the following:

  • Click the Create a new Connection link or Click the New Connection button from the main tool bar. The New LDAP Connection wizard opens.
  • Fill out the first wizard page that is displayed as follows:
    1. The “Connection Name” field should contain a unique name for this connection, this can be anything.
    2. The “Hostname” field should contain the address of the system running the directory instance (DNS name or IP Address of the machine. For example localhost or
    3. The “Port” field should contain the port number on which the directory server is listening for client connections. In most cases it is 389 for non SSL connections and 636 for SSL connections. If you want to use SSL, then you will also need to check the “Use SSL/TLS” check box.
    4. The "Base DN" field can be left blank in most cases. However, if you want you can use the "Fetch Base DNs" button to select a base DN from the namingContexts attribute of the root DSE, or you can enter a specific base DN.
    5. To make sure that you entered the information correctly, click on the “Test Connection” button.
    6. If you only intend to browse the data and don't want to make any changes in the server, and if the server is configured to allow unauthenticated access, then you can click the “Finish” button to connect to directory server. However, if the server does not allow anonymous access, or if you may want to make any changes to the data in the server, then you will likely need to provide values for the "Bind DN" and "Password" fields. To enter credentials click the “Next” button.

New Connect connection wizard page 1

    1. To provide values for “Bind DN” and “Password”, first click the “Simple Authentication” radio button, this will enable the fields. Now enter the values and to make sure you typed in the right values click the “Check Credentials” button.
    2. If you want to provide the optional values click the “Next” button to go to third page else click “Finish” to connect to the directory server.

New LDAP connection wizard 2

In the wizard's third page select the additional connection parameter. If you are not sure what they should be just leave them to default and click Finish to connect to directory server.
    1. Derefence Aliases field sets a preference indicating whether or not aliases should be dereferenced, and if so, when
Never - do not dereference aliases
Searching - dereference aliases when searching but not when finding the base
Finding - dereference aliases when finding
Always - dereference aliases when finding the base object and when searching
    1. Entry count Limit should contain the maximum number of search results to return for a search request. 0 means no limit. Default is 1000.
    2. Timeout should contain the maximum time in seconds that the server should spend returning search results. This is a server-enforced limit. The default of 0 means no time limit.
    3. Enable Referrals specifies whether to automatically follow referrals or not. Check the box to follow referrals automatically. Default is true.
    4. To connect to the server on finish check the “Connect now” check box.

New Connection Wizard page 3

Click Finish to connect to directory server.

Unable to Read Schema
While connecting if you get a warning like this, you need to connect to directory server with credentials.

LDAP Connection unable to read schema

There are many ways to provide credentials for connection; the simplest way to provide credentials is to close the connection and click on the Open Connection Button from the tool bar, select the connection and enter the User DN and Password values or click configure and provide User DN and Password in the credentials tab.

LDAP Connection Open Connection

Don’t know the complete User DN to bind with?
  1. Connect to the directory server using anonymous bind (Click Finish on the wizard page 1).
  2. Once you are connected to the server
  3. Select the entry to bind with ..  and select the Rebind using this entry from the right click context menu
  4. Enter the password and click save userDN and Password if you want this userDN and password to be used for future connections.

LDAP Connection - Rebind Connection