Tuesday 4 September 2012

How To Increase The Battery Life Of Your Laptop

Just recently I’ve given 3 reason why you should choose a laptop over a desktop. I also state that one of the biggest advantage over desktop is the ability to save energy but how can you save energy if your laptop remains a slave to your wall outlet because it cannot last longer than an hour? here are several means to make your laptops’ battery last longer.

Tips for Protection Against Keyloggers

Keyloggers also known as key Stroke recorders are the softwares that can record the key strokes.These are Used in phishing websites to steal your username and password.These keylogger can also be installed on a computer and they can send usernames and passwords using your Internet connection.You can protect yourself using special tips and tricks.And if you follow the guidelines we are providing your username and password will be safe even if a keylogger has been already installed on your system.

Keyloggers also known as key Stroke recorders are the softwares that can record the key strokes.These are Used in phishing websites to steal your username and password.These keylogger can also be installed on a computer and they can send usernames and passwords using your Internet connection.You can protect yourself using special tips and tricks.And if you follow the guidelines we are providing your username and password will be safe even if a keylogger has been already installed on your system.

Ethical hacking, often performed by white hats or skilled computer experts, is the use of programming skills to determine vulnerabilities in computer systems. While the non-ethical hacker or black hat exploits these vulnerabilities for mischief, personal gain or other reasons, the ethical hacker evaluates them, points them out, and may suggest changes to systems that make them less likely to be penetrated by black hats. White hats can work in a variety of ways. Many companies utilize ethical hacking services from consultants or full-time employees to keep their systems and information as secure as possible. The work of ethical hacking is still considered hacking because it uses knowledge of computer systems in an attempt to in some way penetrate them or crash them. This work is ethical because it is performed to increase the safety of the computer systems. It’s reasoned that if a white hat can somehow break the security protocols of a system, so can a black hat. Thus, the goal of ethical hacking is to determine how to break in or create mischief with the present programs running, but only at the request of the company that owns the system and specifically to prevent others from attacking it. People enter the field of ethical hacking in a variety of ways. Many people are very computer savvy and many, but not all, have an educational background in computer science. In some instances, the white hat has gained his or her experience by first being a black hat. If black hat hacking was at a sufficiently criminal level, the black hat turned white hat may have served jail time before resuming a career in a more productive and positive way as an ethical hacker. The computer world is peopled with former black hats, who now hold ethical hacking jobs. Conversely, some white hats, such as Steve Wozniak, never committed any illegal acts, but simply possess the know-how and skills to analyze problems with any computer system. With increasing use of the Internet and concerns about its security, especially when it comes to things like consumer information or private medical details, there is considerable need for computer experts to work in ethical hacking. Even sites owned by organizations like the US government have been hacked in the past, and concern about information theft remains incredibly high. Designing impenetrable systems or identifying the current weaknesses of a system are vital parts of keeping the Internet safe and information private, and even with the present legion of ethical hackers that perform this work, there is still more work to do. Those with interest in the field of ethical hacking often acquire a lot of their skills on their own, and many have particular talent with and affinity for computers. Some knowledge can also be acquired through formal education in computer programming. This work requires creativity, and the ethical hacker must be able to think outside of the box, coming up with as many possible ways as he or she can derive, a system might be encroached upon by black hats.

What is Computer Hacking ? | The Basics Course About Computer Hacking 

Computer hacking is the practice of modifying computer hardware and software to accomplish a goal outside of the creator’s original purpose. People who engage in computer hacking activities are often called hackers. Since the word “hack” has long been used to describe someone who is incompetent at his/her profession, some hackers claim this term is offensive and fails to give appropriate recognition to their skills. Computer hacking is most common among teenagers and young adults, although there are many older hackers as well. Many hackers are true technology buffs who enjoy learning more about how computers work and consider computer hacking an “art” form. They often enjoy programming and have expert-level skills in one particular program. For these individuals, computer hacking is a real life application of their problem-solving skills. It’s a chance to demonstrate their abilities, not an opportunity to harm others. Since a large number of hackers are self-taught prodigies, some corporations actually employ computer hackers as part of their technical support staff. These individuals use their skills to find flaws in the company’s security system so that they can be repaired quickly. In many cases, this type of computer hacking helps prevent identity theft and other serious computer-related crimes. Computer hacking can also lead to other constructive technological developments, since many of the skills developed from hacking apply to more mainstream pursuits. For example, former hackers Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson went on to create the UNIX operating system in the 1970s. This system had a huge impact on the development of Linux, a free UNIX-like operating system. Shawn Fanning, the creator of Napster, is another hacker well known for his accomplishments outside of computer hacking. In comparison to those who develop an interest in computer hacking out of simple intellectual curiosity, some hackers have less noble motives. Hackers who are out to steal personal information, change a corporation’s financial data, break security codes to gain unauthorized network access, or conduct other destructive activities are sometimes called “crackers.” This type of computer hacking can earn you a trip to a federal prison for up to 20 years. If you are interested in protecting your home computer against malicious hackers, investing in a good firewall is highly recommended. It’s also a good idea to check your software programs for updates on a regular basis. For example, Microsoft offers a number of free security patches for its Internet Explorer browser.

Basic Computer Tips And Tricks 

These are basic computer tips and tricks that are mostly operating system independent.They are useful on almost all window platforms windows xp,windows vista and windows 7.Below are some Pc tips and tricks. 1. Tips and Tricks To Increase Speed Of Computer (pc). Problem:Computers seems to run faster when they have newly installed operating sustems but they keep on slowing with the passage of time. Solution: • Use Defragmentation softwares to increase the speed. • Remove unneccessary programs from startup. • Remove unwanted installed softwares from computer. • Use a good antivirus program to protect your computer from viruses,worms and malwares. • Clean the registry of the computer using a good software. (Note:Donot edit registry yourself if you are no expert) 2.How to Consume Less Laptop battery And Increase Performance. • Close unwanted programs running in background becuase these applications usually drain out your battery.Browser tabs use to consume a lot of memory of computer.So always close unnecessary browser tabs.Stop the bluetooth or wifi of the system if they are not required. 3.How to Enhance Gaming Experience On your Computer • Gaming Experience on pc or laptop can be increased by switching the theme of the window to classic view.It frees up a lot of memory of the computer.The steps explained above will also help you to increase your gaming experience.A Software called 3d analyser can give a real help to people having very old pc.

Advantages Of Mozilla Firefox Browser

Mozilla firefox is an open source browser.It holds 23.81% of worldwide usage share of web browsers, and is just behind internet explorer(IE).IE has managed to stay ahead over firefox due to the fact that IE has been pre installed on the microsoft windows and most users even do not bother to search for some better web browser.In this post we will be analysing the merits and demerits of the firefox browser. Customizable:Firefox is best known for the freedom it provides to its user for the customization of the browser.User can apply themes of their own taste to the browser.The availability of themes is not at all a problem for firefox users. Availability Of Plugins:Firefox has the maximum number of plugins as compared to other well known browsers such as google chrome and Internet Explorer.Plugins are easy to install and recieves updates frequently.It has a wide range of plugins like for web development,Search Engine Optimisation (SEO),User Interface etc available for downloads. Browsing And Downloading Speed: Frefox claims itself to be fastest browser available in the market.We have found this fact to be completely true.With every new version of the browser we have found a significant increase in the speed of the browsing.The Inbuilt download manager of the browser is also capable of downloading at high speeds as compared to the inbuilt download managers of chrome and internet explorer which provides very slow speeds.But we certainly reccomend you to use some special download manager. Open Source :Firefox is an open source browser.So its code is available to you.If you are a good programmer then you will be able to completely customize according to your needs and certainly this is a huge advantage over internet explorer. Security:It is the most secure browser currently available in the market.The number of security bugs are far less in firefox browser as compared to other browser.

How to Secure Yahoo Account from Hackers Protect Yahoo Account from Hackers

After my post How to active Godmode in window 7 today i will learn you how can you secure ur ymail or yahoo account from hackers . I try my best to simplify it. so read the post carefully.I really work hard to make this tips Work, so please share the article to help me little.i hope u really enjoy it.Follow the below steps for do this. Also Read:- Secure Your Facebook Account From Hackers Also Read:- How to Secure your Gmail Account from Hackers Protect Yahoo Account from Hackers Login in to your Yahoo Account. Now open your Account Information. In the Sign-In and Security section look for the Second Sign-In Verification and click on it. Check the box to turn on the Second Sign-In Verification feature Now a pop-up window will open, in this give your mobile number on which you want to receive verification codes and click on Receive SMS. You will receive Confirmation Code on your mobile, enter this code and click on Verify button. After completion of verification process whenever you will login from a new computer ( like cybercafe) you will receive a confirmation code on your mobile and without it your account cannot be accessed. Done Please Share The Article On Facebook And Other Social Networks To Help Us Little.

How to Activate GodMode in Windows 7 | God Mode in Windows 7

Windows 7 is now becoming popular among windows operating system users.Windows 7 has cool hidden feature ,people calls it godmode in windows 7.GodMode is a folder that brings together a long list of customization settings allowing you to change all your settings from one place.This is very good as you can now change all your windows settings from one single place. I've broken it down into five-step process to avoid confusion: Step 1: Right click. Step 2: Click create folder. Step 3: Name your sparkly, new folder this, "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}" and press enter. Step 4: Blink as the folder changes form to look like the control panel. Step 5: Open the folder and bask in all your godly, control panel-y power. That's it Please Share The Article On Facebook And Other Social Networks To Help Us Little.

Latest List of Back Query and Front Query For Airtel Free 3G & 2G 

Hello to all friends Friends, here is list of latest and all working back queries and front queries of Airtel. You can use these in any Handler software like Opera mini handler, Uc Browser Handler , Nimbuzz handler etc. 1. ?a3.twimg.com/thegsmtricks 2. ?a3.twimg.com/signup 3. ?si0.twimg.com/app? 4. ?top.twimg.com/shiri? 5. ?upload.twimg.com/cini? 6. ?mega.twimg.com/speed.net 7. ?a3.twimg.com/vivek 8. ?0.facebook.com/ I will Update this Post whenever I’ll find new backquery. Working Front Queries: Its working mostly in all states. Try in your state and comment which working and which not !!! And please don't forget to subscribe to ur feed