Tuesday 14 October 2014

GIST Institute



                                              Distance = Speed x Time
                                              Time = Distance / Speed 
                                               Speed = Distance / Time

Important Point to be taken care of:

 To convert speed in kmph to m/sec, multiply it with 5/18
 To convert speed in m/sec to kmph , multiply it with 18/5.

1.  If a men  travels from point A to point B with a speed of 'a' and back to point A (from point B) with a speed of b, then the average speed of the body is:


A car covers a certain distance at a speed of 90 km/hr while going and returns to the starting point at a speed of 60 km/hr. Find the average speed of the car for the whole journey?
Ans: Average speed = (2 x 90 x 60)/ (60+90)
                               = 72 km/hr
2. If a car does a journey in 'T' hrs, the first half at 'a' km/hr and the second half at 'b' km/hr. The total distance covered by the car:

                                        (2 x Time x a x b ) / (a + b).

 A motorcar does a journey in 10 hrs, the first half at 21 kmph and the second half at 24 kmph. Find the distance?
Ans: Distance = (2 x 10 x 21 x 24) / (21+24)
                      = 10080 / 45
                      = 224 km.

3.If a person goes from 'A' to 'B' at a speed of 'a' kmph and returns at a speed of 'b' kmph and takes 'T' hours in all, then the distance between the A and B:

 Total time taken x (Product of the two Speeds / Addition of the two speeds)

 A boy goes to school at a speed of 3 kmph and returns to the village at a speed of 2 kmph. If he takes 5 hrs in all, what is the distance between the village and the school?

Ans: Let the required distance be x km.
Then time taken during the first journey = x/3 hr.
and time taken during the second journey = x/2 hr.
x/3 + x/2 = 5 => (2x + 3x) / 6 = 5
=> 5x = 30.
=> x = 6
Required distance = 6 km.

4: Walking ¾ of his speed, a person is 10 min late to his office. Find his usual time to cover the distance?
Ans: Usual time = Late time / {1/ (3/4) - 1) 
= 10 / (4/3 -1 )
= 10 / (1/3) 
= 30 minutes.
5: Running 4/3 of his usual speed, a person improves his timing by 10 minutes. Find his usual timing by 10 minutes. Find his usual time to cover the distance?
Ans: Usual time = Improved time / { 1 - (1/ (3/4)}
= 10 / { 1- (3/4) }
= 40 minutes.

6 A train travelling 25 kmph leaves Delhi at 9 a.m. and another train travelling 35 kmph starts at 2 p.m. in the same direction. How many km from will they be together ?
Ans: Meeting point's distance from the starting point = [25 x 35 x (2p.m. - 9 a.m)] / (35 -25)
= (25 x 35x 5) / 10
= 4375 / 10
= 437.5 km .

  Percentage shortcuts and tricks

Aptitude shortcut
In this post I describe some of the tricks of percentage calculation . 
by a certain percent , we means that many hundredths thus , x percent means x hundredths written as x% 

Fraction value of percentage :

1/2 = 50 %                   1/3 = 33.33%                      1/4 = 25%                     1/5 = 20 % 
1/6 =16.67%                1/7 = 14.28%                          1/8 =12.5%                1/9 = 11.11

Note :these fraction value helps to minimize the calculation


  1. if the price of a commodity increases by R% , then the reduction in consumption so as not to increase the expenditure is 100*R/(100+R)%.
  2. if the price of a commodity decreases by R% , then the increases  n consumption so as not to decreases the expenditure is 100*R/(100-R)%.
  3. value of machine after n years = p(1-R/100)power n .
  4. if A is R% more than B , then b is less than A by 100*R/(100+R)%.
  5. if A is R% less than B , then b is more than A by 100*R/(100-R)%.


1. if 1/5 of a number is 25 less then 1/4 of a same number . what will be 3/2 of number .
                         as you know 1/5 = 20% and 1/4 = 25%
                         so difference b/w these two is 5% which is equal to 25 
                         then  5% *20  ---- 25*20     100% ----500
                        and 100% percent is the real value 
                        you can now calculate 3/2 so ans is    750

2. if the numerator of fraction is increase by 20% and denominator is decrease by 80% then fraction becomes 18/15. what is the actual fraction .

ans .                     120% N/20% D = 18/15
                             then N/D = (18/15 )*20/120
                             N/D = 1/5   answer

3 . if A's salary 20% less then B's salary then B's salary is how much more then A.

ans .                suppose B's salary is 100 then A's salary is 80
                        now you can calculate b's salary in respect to A
                      ( 20/80)* 100 = 25% is answer

4. A number is increased by 12% and again deceased by 18% then how much change in that value.

                   formula for this problem % change = (x)+(y)+x*y/100

Note take the value with symbol , if increase then take '"plus" if decease in value then take "minus". this formula is applicable for circle , square , triangle etc

                    12- 18 - 216/100 =   -8.16  decrease is value by 8.16%


Partnership shortcuts and tricks

Partnership is an association of two or more persons who put their money together in order to carry on a certain business.

It is of two kind: 
  1. Simple 
  2. Compound
Simple partnership: if the capitals of the partnership are invested for the same period , the partnership is called simple otherwise its calls compound.

Tricks  &  Formula

    A’s capital*A’s time in partnership                         A’s Profit
   …………………………………....................       =               ……………
    B’s capital*B’s time in partnership                       B’s Profit


 Manoj and raj enter into a speculation. Manoj puts in rs. 50 and raj puts in rs. 45 at the end of 4 months manoj withdraws half of his capitals. Piyush then enter with capital of rs. 70 . at the end of 12 month in what ratio will the profit be divided.

= 50*4+25*8 : 45*6+45*6:70*8
= 400:405:560


Maths - short cut tricks for square

In this post you learn some shortcut method related to square of number.here I will explain Some Tricks that improve your speed during calculation.

Trick 1: 2 Digit Number which ends in 5

Step 1: Multiply ten’s digit with its next number.
Step 2: Find square of unit’s digit. i.e.: Square of 5.
Step 3: Write answers of step 1 and step 2 to together or side by side.

Let’s take examples.  Find square of 45

Step 1:  =>    4 × ( 4 + 1 ) = 4 × 5 = 20
Step 2: = >   25  ( 
square of unit’s digit)
Step 3:  => (step 1) ( step 2)      Answer = 2025

Trick 2 : if you know square of the previous number.

Step 1: Find square of the previous number which is known.
Step 2: Multiply the number being squared by 2 and subtract 1.
Step 3: Add Step 1 and Step 2

Find square of 31.

Step 1 = > 302 = 900
Step 2 = >  (31 × 2) – 1 = 62 – 1 = 61
Step 3 = >  900 + 61 = 961

Trick 3 : Any two digit number square

Let’s say the number is two digit number. i.e. AB.
So B is units digit and A is tens digit.

Step 1: Find Square of B
Step 2: Find 2×A×B
Step 3: Find Square of A
Step 4 :Add carry from brackets right to left
Let’s take an example.
We want to find square of 37.
Step 1: Find square of 7.  Square of 7 = 49. So write 9 in the answer and 4 as carry to the second step.   
Step 2: Find 2×(3×7)
        2 × (3 × 7) = 42.
        42 + 4(Carry) = 46.      
Step 3: Find square of 3
        Square of 3 = 9
        9 + 4(Carry) = 13.
        Write 13 in the answer.
        Square Shortcut Method 
        So the answer is 1369.
Basically in math form you can say

(n1n2)^2 = (n1)^2(2xn1xn2)(n2)^2

(42)^2 = (4)^2(2x4x2)(2)^2 = (16)(16)(4)
= > add carry from brackets right to left
 = (17)(6)(4) = 1764

Trick  4 : Square for number  From 31 to 50: 

Find the square of 38. 

Step 1 :  12 =50-38 
Step 2 : Last 2 Digit :  Square of  12 = 144 =44 (1 Carry) 
Step 3 : 
First 2 Digit:  25-12+1 =14
Final answer =1444 (First 2 Digit Last 2 Digit) 

Trick  5 : Square for number  From 51 to 80: 

Find the Square of 62

 Step 1 :  50+12 ( Yes, every time You have to think like this 50 + ) 
{If the number is 72 We will write 50+22} 
Step 2 : Last 2 Digit : Square of 12 =144 = 44 ( 1 will be carry ) 
Step 3 : First 2 Digit : 25+12+1 =38 
25 is constant number for every number 51-80 You have to add this!!
So our final result is 3844 (See First 2 Digit and Last 2 Digit above) 
622 = 3844

Trick  6 : Square for number  From 81 to 100: 

Find the square of 88

 Step 1 : 88=100 -12 ( Yes 100-12 Only , not 50+38 or 80+8 ) 
{If the number is 92 then we have to think like 100-8} 
 Step 2 : Last 2 Digit : 122 = 144 = 44 (1 carry ) 
 Step 3 : First 2 Digit : 88 - 12 + 1 =77 

So our final Answer is 7744 (First 2 Digit Last 2 Digit) 

You can also share your trick on comment.

GATE preparation tips : CS

 The main purpose of GATE exam is to identify the quality of students and assess their potential to continue higher education in engineering field . By conducting GATE exam , it becomes easy to assess the students on the required skill scale and consistency to pursue higher studies in the field of engineering. there are lot of competition and even those who  get 90 % in the exam they not sure about the admission in the IITs

Why GATE exam

Why you want to give GATE exam . it depend upon person to person but some important advantage given below
  • Good campus placements are available with attractive salary packages in IISC or IIT’S if u get good score in GATE exam.
  • Some of the prestigious organizations like IOCL  BARC, Mumbai call for interviews for scientist jobs, based on GATE score/percentiles. Those who get good GATE scores, are generally selected.
  • You will get scholarship of Rs.8000/- per MONTH if you are qualified in GATE and studying M Tech in IISC or IIT’s.
  • And Also you will get an UGC scholarship of Rs.5000/- per MONTH if you are qualified in GATE and studying M Tech in any college,  based on GATE score

How to Prepare for GATE : study plan

The GATE tests the basic knowledge that you have in engineering fields. So you should prepare thoroughly by understanding the basics and fundamentals of the subject.
The questions are based on the basics . Be careful it is not directly on the formulas so you need to crystal clear in the concepts. They test your ability to derive conclusions from the basic formulas and how good you are at applying them to solve questions. 

  1. The first step is to understand the basics and know their applicability.
  2.  follow standard books . Try to cover complete syllabus. 
  3. While studying a chapter, do ask yourself following questions “What”, “How”, and “Why” and see improvement.
  4. Prepare notes after finishing every chapter. This will help you during your last days of revision.
  5.  Solve previous year's papers, mock question papers, and various test available. This will not only help practicing what you have studied, but also give you an understanding of the question paper format.
  6. Solve as many test papers as possible. This actually is the best way to keep improving as you prepare for GATE
  7. You should set up a real test ambiance while solving papers, with no breaks, no disturbance and set time.
  8. If you not understand any topic then you ask with your friends and seniors .
  9. Revise is the key in GATE EXAM.

Books for GATE Preparation from Flip Kart

Computer Networks:  Computer Networks  - Tenenbaum
Database : Database system concepts  - Silberschatz , Korth , Sudarshan
Operating Systems: Operating system concepts -Abraham Silberschatz and Peter, Galvin
Algorithms for problem solving : Introduction to algorithms - Cormen
Computer Organization: Computer Organisation  by Morris Mano