JNTUH B.Tech 4th Year 2 sem Computer Science and Engineering R13 (4-2) AD HOC and Sensor Networks (Elective – IV) R13 syllabus
JNTUH B.Tech 4th year (4-2) AD HOC and Sensor Networks (Elective – IV) gives you detail information of AD HOC and Sensor Networks (Elective – IV) R13 syllabus It will be help full to understand you complete curriculum of the year.
- To understand the concepts of sensor networks
- To understand the MAC and transport protocols for adhoc networks
- To understand the security of sensor networks
- To understand the applications of adhoc and sensor networks
- Introduction to Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Characteristics of MANETs, Applications of MANETs, Challenges.
- Routing in MANETs: Topology-based versus Position-based approaches, Topology based routing protocols, Position based routing, Other Routing Protocols.
- Data Transmission In MANETs: The Broadcast Storm, Multicasting, Geocasting
- TCP over Ad Hoc Networks: TCP Protocol overview, TOP and MANETs, Solutions for TOP over Ad Hoc
- Basics of Wireless Sensors and Applications: The Mica Mote, Sensing and Communication Range, Design issues, Energy consumption, Clustering of Sensors, Applications
- Data Retrieval In Sensor Networks: Classification of WSNs, MAC layer, Routing layer, High-level application layer support, Adapting to the inherent dynamic nature of WSNs.
Security: Security in Ad hoc Wireless Networks, Key Management, Secure Routing, Cooperation in MANETs, Intrusion Detection Systems. Sensor Network Platforms and Tools: Sensor Network Hardware, Sensor Network Programming Challenges, Node-Level Software Platforms
Operating System — TinyOS Imperative Language: nesC, Dataflow style language: T1nyGALS, Node- Level Simulators, ns-2 and its sensor network extension, TOSSIM
- Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks — Theory and Applications, Car/os Corderlo Dharma R Aggarwal, World Scientific Publications /Cambridge University Press, March 2006
- Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach, Feng Zhao, Leonidas Guibas, Elsevier Science imprint, Morgan Kauffman Publishers, 2005, rp 2009.
- Adhoc Wireless Networks — Architectures and Protocols, C.Siva Ram Murthy, B.S.Murthy, Pearson Education, 2004
- Wireless Sensor Networks — Principles and Practice, Fei Hu, Xiaojun Cao, An Auerbach book, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010
- Wireless Ad hoc Mobile Wireless Networks — Principles, Protocols and Applications, Subir Kumar Sarkar, et al., Auerbach Publications, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008.
- Ad hoc Networking, Charles E.Perkins, Pearson Education, 2001.
- Wireless Ad hoc Networking, Shih-Liri Wu, Yu-Chee Tseng, Auerbach Publications, Taylor & Francis Group, 2007
- Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Networks — Protocols, Performance and Control, Jagannathan Sarangapani, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2007, rp 2010.
- Security in Ad hoc and Sensor Networks, Raheem Beyah, et al., World Scientific Publications / Cambridge University Press, 2010
- Ad hoc Wireless Networks — A communication-theoretic perspective, Ozan K.Tonguz, Giatuigi Ferrari, Wiley India, 2006, rp2009.