Thursday 4 February 2016


Database System Concepts
Fifth Edition
Avi Silberschatz
Henry F. Korth
S. Sudarshan

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We provide a set of slides to accompany each chapter. Click on the links below to download the slides in the format of your choice: Powerpoint and PDF.

Copyright Note

The slides and figures below are copyright Silberschatz, Korth. Sudarshan, 2005. The slides and figures are authorized for personal use, and for use in conjunction with a course for which Database System Concepts is the prescribed text. Instructors are free to modify the slides to their taste, as long as the modified slides acknowledge the source and the fact that they have been modified. Paper copies of the slides may be sold strictly at the price of reproduction, to students of courses where the book is the prescribed text. Any use that differs from the above, and any for profit sale of the slides (in any form) requires the consent of the copyright owners; contact Avi Silberschatz ( to obtain the copyright owners consent. line separator
NOTE: links below are to cached local copies at IIT Bombay. May not be in sync with the copies at NEW: pdfs are also cached locally
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Chapter Formats Last Updated
1. Introduction ppt, pdf July 23, 2008
Part 1: Relational Databases
2. Relational Model ppt, pdf July 25, 2008
3. SQL ppt, pdf August 6, 2008
4. Advanced SQL ppt, pdf August 10, 2008
5. Other Relational Languages ppt, pdf September 2006
Part 2: Database Design
6. Database Design: The Entity-Relationship Approach ppt, pdf September 2006
7. Relational Database Design ppt, pdf October 2006
8. Application Design ppt, pdf August 9, 2005
Part 3: Object-Based Databases and XML
9. Object-Based Databases ppt, pdf September 20, 2005
10. XML ppt, pdf July, 2006
Part 4: Data Storage and Querying
11. Storage and File Structure ppt, pdf Aug 2006
12. Indexing and Hashing ppt, pdf Aug 2006
13. Query Processing ppt, pdf Aug 2006
14. Query Optimization ppt, pdf Aug 2006
Part 5: Transaction Management
15. Transactions ppt, pdf September 2006
16. Concurrency Control ppt, pdf October 5, 2006
17. Recovery System ppt, pdf October 5, 2006
Part 6: Data Mining and Analysis
18. Data Analysis and Mining ppt, pdf August 27, 2005
19. Information Retrieval ppt, pdf September 2, 2005
Part 7: System Architecture
20. Database System Architectures ppt, pdf October 5, 2006
21. Parallel Databases ppt, pdf August 22, 2005
22. Distributed Databases ppt, pdf August 22, 2005
Part 7: Other Topics
23. Advanced Application Development ppt, pdf Preliminary version
24. Advanced Data Types ppt, pdf Preliminary version
25. Advanced Transaction Processing ppt, pdf Preliminary version
Part 8: Case Studies
26. PostgreSQL ppt, pdf Not available
27. Oracle ppt, pdf Not available
28. IBM DB2 Universal Database ppt, pdf Not available
29. Microsoft SQL Server ppt, pdf Not available
A. Network Model ppt, pdf August 23, 2005
B. Hierarchical Model ppt, pdf August 23, 2005
C. Advanced Relational Database Design ppt, pdf August 23, 2005